Shit why not add some info too?

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Okay info on Yuki, here we go!!


Name:  Yuki Asumi

Nickname:  Asumi-chan, Yuki-chan

Age:  16

Gender:  Male

Hair colour: Blond

Hair length: medium, 

( Chigiri's hair length )

Eye colour: Dark green

Body type: Average height for his age, toned, not muscly but not weak

Status:  Alive



What he thinks about them :

Mother: Kind, generous, good nurturing, and hardworking

Sister: Ungrateful, childish, and  selfish

Father: Doesn't care wither he lives or dies

Teammates: Quite helpful but some are utterly useless, too motivated and childish, too much energy, what did they eat? And entire barn to give them that energy?



He is kind and always try's to pay back if in debt, anti social but if need be will step up and out of his comfort zone to help others.



Left foot direct shot-

Can use on command

His left foot is more powerful than that of his right just like how he is left handed instead of right handed, however he likes to use only his right foot so that when- not if- when he wins he knows that if he was trying he would be at a godly level.

Righ foot direct shot-

Can use on command

His right foot is much weaker than that of his left but that doesn't mean it's weak, his right foot direct shot is like a child playing with play-dough wheres his left foot direct shot is like a grown ass man using modelling clay to make a fucking snake.

As in it is messy compared to his left foot's direct shot.

Meta vision-

Cannot use on command

Imagine this, Rin brought his meta vision from Louis Vuitton, Isagi brought his from amazon and Yukis from the convenience store his mother works at.

Bitches meta vision is that crap.

Spatial awareness-

Uses 24/7

Not like Isagi's where he knows where everyone is at all times but rather he knows where he is at all times. 

E.g He's under water and has been spinning around for quite sometime instead of opening his eyes to see where he is and where to swim to get air Yuki automatically knows which way is up, down, left, and right.

Undetected sprint-

Can use on command

When Yuki sprints its as if he's invisible, he can move around fast while making sharp turns and can see clearly, only when he does this can he use his meta vision, that is why his meta vision is crap, but that doesn't mean that every time he uses undetected sprint he uses meta vision, Also he can even hide from meta vision users when doing this.

He may or may not get new skills in the future, it just depends on whether or not i'm bothered to do so....

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