Depression makes you smell bad

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Love is such... a beautiful thing. The way it can form around anything and anyone. So magical.

But they say love is infinite. That you'll never loose it. I beg to differ. Take my mom as an example. The woman loved her husband to the end of the earth and back. But he didn't feel the same, so he disappeared, never looking back just as his love did.

Love. A four letter word that means nothing yet everything at the same time. Such a strong, meaningless statement. Love.

I find the stories we originate love from very fascinating. Since I'm fond of my examples I'll give you another one. Cinderella. A fairytale that symbolizes a love that was predestined on a cosmic, divine level. Meaning it was destiny for her to find her prince. She was destined to find love. But once her and her prince married, the story ended.

She lived happily ever after but for how long? Till her and her knight and shining armor had a big fight, or when she ran away from home and he didn't come searching for her. Or her having children he didn't want and finding out the man she used to love was a sick joke with another woman in his bed giving him the same kisses she used to. The story ends in a smart place.

Love isn't forever. Love isn't real. Only a fake illusion to keep you sane, or make you go insane. I don't believe in love for it has turned me to stone.

6:40 a.m

A dreadful sound rings in my ear. Beep!beep! No matter how many times I wish for it to go away, it doesn't. By sandwiching my pillow between my ears only drowns out the sound barely.

"Deku! Deku wake up!"

But I don't want to. Getting up would mean doing something other than sleeping. The warmth is the only comfort I need since everything else is so cold.

"Did you jerk off one too many times last night? Get up!"

There she goes again. If my alarm clock doesn't work, I can always count on my human one.

"I'm coming in. You better not be naked or I'm gonna kill you"

As the door slammed open, in stepped the brunette version of my mother. Not only was her hair neatly brushed unlike mine but she also had a sense of productivity for the day in which I couldn't seem to find mine.

"God this room is a mess. How do you live like this?" She yanked my blanket off. The coldness seeped into my body causing me shiver slightly.

"Leave me alone" a groan escapes my lips. A line of goosebumps trail my icy fingers.

"I'll leave you alone once summer starts. You have 2 days bare with me here" she folded my comforter in a matter of seconds like it was her second quirk. I watched as she stumbled around the clothes and textbooks on the floor. She gave a look of embarrassment before tripping on a notebook.

"Ow! Deku you need to clean up in here!" She picked up the textbook and a T-shirt that was strapped along with it. She sniffed the crumpled cloth before dropping it to the floor. "And do your laundry too, and how long has it been since you took a shower?" She asked while walking around once more.

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