<3. 7

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The sakamaki's and the komoris arrived at the night school.

Shu held [Y/N]'s hand the whole time. He saw how tensed she was. But then she relaxed.

It was now time fo get out of the limo. Yui was glaring at [Y/N] the whole time she saw her.

The sakamakis were surrounded by girls, the fangirls. [Y/N] saw the girls. Some of them were very pretty.

" Wow... You all are soo pretty..."

[Y/N] said with stars in her eyes.

The fangirl's cheeks were red. They were gushing over how adorable [Y/N] looked. They knew at the exact moment, they had to take care of this new little bean.

" Thanks! You are pretty too! "

On the other hand, there was yui. She was glaring at the fangirls and was looking at them as if they were crazy.

The fangirls threw some insults at her and followed the sakamakis that went inside.

[Y/N] smiled at them, then shu led her to reiji as he was going to give her the schedule.

[Y/N] thanked him and went towards her classroom. There were some girls from the herd of fangirls. [Y/N] waved at them and they waved back.

She smiled at the teacher and went in the front to introduce herself.

Shu, who was sitting at the back smiled softly at her.

" Hello! My name is [Y/N] komori and please take care of me! "

She said with an adorable smile on her face.

" Please sit at the back beside shu. "

" Okay! "

The teacher smiled softly at her antics. [Y/N] reminded her of her daughter. Who passed away due to an incurable disease.

The rest of the class went on.

It was the lunch time. [Y/N] talked to the girls and they were very nice to her. They had named [Y/N] ' little bean '.

At lunch, she went with shu towards the music room where he played the grand piano.

" You know how to play piano!? "

[Y/N] asked with excitement in her eyes.

Shu nodded. They felt the door open and laito came inside. He smiled at [Y/N] and hugged her. She hugged back.

" Shu-san, can you play the piano? I want to dance"

[Y/N] asked shu, who nodded and started playing glided lily.

[Y/N] got into the mood of dancing as she swayed her hands and, her feet to the beat.

She started singing as she danced.

' how was i supposed to see the way? '

' haven't i given enough, given enough.
haven't i given enough, given enough '

She closed her eyes as she danced and sang, shu and laito were enchanted by her singing. The didn't know she sang this well.

The way she danced and the way she sang, it made them feel something in their heart.

They did not know what it was. But they liked the feeling. Shu finished playing the song as [Y/N] stopped dancing.

She opened her eyes when she heard clapping. Shu and laito were there, smiling at her while clapping.

[Y/N] smiled back. Both of them spreaded their arms as [Y/N] ran to them and hugged them tightly.

" We didn't know you could sing this well [Y/N]. "

" I was not that good. It was because of shu-san, he played the piano very well! "

An imaginary bandange wrapped around the boys' hearts. Their hearts were healing, slowly, but healing.

" From now on, i will teach you to play instruments. And laito will teach you to dance with him, okay? "

[Y/N] nodded while grinning.

Something always happened to their hearts whenever they received that smile from [Y/N].

𝑨𝑳𝑳 𝑭𝑶𝑹 𝑶𝑼𝑹𝑺𝑬𝑳𝑽𝑬𝑺 | 私の | Where stories live. Discover now