<3. 17

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"Where am i?"

[Y/N] asked as she looked around, only to find darkness. She was blindfolded. And she hated the feeling of being blindfolded.

It made her remember the bad moments she had with yui and seiji when they were at the church.

Where are the sakamakis? She thought. She wanted to meet them so badly. They were her saviors after all. 

And she believed that her saviours will come and take her away from here.

"Oh don't cry... [Y/N]... You know that i love you right?"

She heard a very familiar voice.

"Why are you not responding?"

Yes! It has to be her! [Y/N] thought.

Then the person took off [Y/N]'s blindfold and turned on the lights.
[Y/N]'s eyes watered seeing the person in front of her.

"Why are you doing this?!"

[Y/N] shouted. She never in her life shouted at anyone. But here she was.

"Please [Y/N]... I can treat you better than those sakamaki."

"Please kiyomi! Let me go!"

It was kiyomi. Oh how hard kiyomi had fallen for [Y/N]. Maybe it was her kindness, gentleness and her cute face that made her fall for her.

Ofcourse [Y/N], saw kiyomi as her bestfriend. But right now, she will have to doubt about that feeling.

"Kiyomi! Please let me go!"

[Y/N] screamed so that she could get out. But it was all in vain. Then suddenly, she was in the warm arms of kiyomi.

"Shh... Don't cry... I'll treat you better than those people because i love you..."

[Y/N] tried to push kiyomi away, but it was all in vain. oh how she wished that the sakamakis could be here and take her away from kiyomi.

[Y/N] didn't wanted to lose the hope. She knew they will come. One day for sure. She stopped doing anything. Just sitting limp on the chair as kiyomi hugged her.

"Please.... Kiyomi ...... Let me go ....."

"No way my dearest [Y/N], i had tried my best to make you fall for me... But that didn't work so i had to do this... I promise I'm not going to do anything that crosses your boundaries. But stay with me. I only want you to stay with me forever.... "

Kiyomi said as she hugged [Y/N] tighter and caressed her lavender hair. [Y/N] on the other hand, remembered laito, who always patted her head and ayato.

"I will not let you go anywhere. My dear, you will stay with me here in this mansion forever..."

Kiyomi said with a smile that send shivers down [Y/N]. No, she didn't want this, she doesn't wants to love kiyomi. She loves the sakamakis only. Because they showed her love.

[Y/N] will never be able to fall for kiyomi. She knew that. But there was a sensation, a bad one. Her chest started to feel heavy. She didn't know what was happening. But, what she didn't know was that the heavy feeling she is feeling is nothing other than-


[Y/N], never in her life hated anyone. Even though yui and the church people treated her badly she still loved them. Because she thought of them as a family.

She also loved kiyomi. As a bestfriend.

But now, she will have to doubt that. She will have to doubt is kiyomi is her bestfriend. She kidnapped her. And is making her forcefully stay in her mansion.

"My dearest. The time you will spend with me will be the best time of your life. I will try my best to make you fall for me~"

Maybe. Maybe that could have happened. In another life. Because in this life, the sakamakis have captured her heart.

Please. Save me from here....

That was what [Y/N] thought before kiyomi took her out of the basement and into the mansion.


Heya! Wassup guys!

I have finally updated. I don't know if you liked this chapter or not. But please bare with me. I only made this plot for a fucking sentence. I don't know why i was gushing over that sentence but it was cool okay!

Soo how has your life been? Mine's a rollercoaster and remember to take care of yourselves. I don't want my dearest readers to be sick.

Also remember to wear glasses because pink eye is spreading everywhere.

Now we will meet again in the next chapter. Stay tuned my dearest readers! And voters!

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