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Please.... I don't want to stay here...

That was what [Y/N] thought all the time. It had been about 2 days since she was with kiyomi. And she did not like it. Kiyomi treated her like a princess. But, they treated her better than her.  [Y/N] had not eaten anything except strawberry shortcake for the days she has been here.

And right now, she was like a lifeless doll as kiyomi was cuddling with her. [Y/N] looked just like the brides which kanato had turned into art. She did not move. Kiyomi was undeniably beautiful. She was. And [Y/N] would have accepted her confession, if she had asked being her bestfriend.

But this witch had to kidnapp her from the place she recently started calling home. The place she is in right now is just a house. Her home is wherever the sakamakis are. 

She wanted to meet them so badly. Staying here was too much for her. But she had hope that they will come and take her away from here. She knew it.

Kiyomi caressed her cheeks as she slowly pecked them with tenderness. Oh how much she loved the goddess looking girl laying beside her. Kiyomi had happiness all around her now that [Y/N] was with her.

"My love? Do you need anything? I will give you whatever you want and also.. i have a surprise for you at the end of this week. I want you to enjoy the time you are with me. And you are forever with me."

Kiyomi said as she hugged [Y/N] tightly. She snuggled her face in the crook of her neck. [Y/N] did not do anything. Too blank to think about anything. She felt as if she was in the church again. Just the difference was that the people were treating her nicely.

But she hated the church.

It was midnight now. And the sakamakis were more anxious than anything. They wanted [Y/N] back. Her scent, her cute smile, her lavender hair and eyes, her small frame; the way she said thier name. Why was she had to be kidnapped?

They were doing everything to find her location. And there seemed to be a change in yui. She finally now got her brain working for thinking about [Y/N]. Now she understood what was happening with her.

Although she treated the badly, Very badly, but with her gone now, she felt a hole in her heart which she never had felt before. Why was she feeling all this?
She was supposed to be happy that the creature is gone now.

But the opposite happened. She had tears in her eyes, now she realised that all while she thought she was stealing the sakamakis away from her, she was actually protecting her from them.

Yui knew she made a big mistake. A mistake to treat her younger sister badly. Maybe it was because of the church. The church always called her demonic, maybe because of her hair colour.

Now she was determined, determined to be a good big sister. No matter how much she hurt [Y/N], she will be a good sister to apologise for the way she treated her before.

This was, a change of yui's heart and head.

Hello guys.

After so much time I am here bringing another chapter for you all to read.

I hope you all are doing well and stay safe 💓..

Sorry if the chapter was short.

𝑨𝑳𝑳 𝑭𝑶𝑹 𝑶𝑼𝑹𝑺𝑬𝑳𝑽𝑬𝑺 | 私の | Where stories live. Discover now