<3. 14

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Kanato held her hand all the way to the dining hall. He looked at her in concern.

" [Y/N], i told you that you don't have to run like this, haven't i? But you still ran. It makes me upset. "

[Y/N]'s eyes widened. She made someone upset. She became sad and apologized to kanato immediately.

" I'm sooo sorryy! I didn't mean to make you upset! I was just, soooo excited to eat the strawberry shortcake that reiji-san is making. "

[Y/N] quickly said this and hugged kanato. and he did the same, why would he not? There was not any reason to not hug her, besides, her hugs were one of the things about her he craved for.

[Y/N] quickly they sat on the chair across the dining table. She was really really excited to see the mouthwatering cake. Reiji slowly brought the cake out of the oven. And that was the cue. [Y/N] suddenly stood up from her chair and sniffed the air. Kanato and laito were all red. How can be a person this adorable!

She soon followed the smell of the cake and found herself in the kitchen. Reiji chuckled seeing her. He gently put the cake on the counter and went to her. He smiled at her and have her a peck on her head and lips.

[Y/N] did the same as what he did, she gave him the peck on his lips back. In her mind, she thought it was normal, as everyone had kissed her there. So she also gave them a peck on their lips. Reiji was taken a back by that but did not question it.

Then reiji looked at the frsh cake and went towards it. He had to cut it but, now, she will eat already at the time of breakfast. So he chose to stay with her instead and guided her outside the kitchen. She happily folloed him as she stared back at the strawberry cake. Her mouth already drooling.


Reiji immediately rubbed her back as kanato rushed to get a glass of water.
After [Y/N] drank the water, she felt relieved. She had cough and felt weak.

" [Y/N], let us sit at the dining table. You should rest. " 

Reiji said as he held her hand and led her through to the kitchen and to the dining hall.  Kanato did the same to her left hand.

After they reached there, everyone except yui were present. And the vampires were all had worried expressions plasted on their faces, because of [Y/N].

" Eat, my little strawberry. You have to eat. "

Ayato, said as he cupped her cheeks.  She stared at him with her same innocent lavender eyes, but this time, they were in pain. 

Reiji served her the cake, and him with subaru, started to feed her. Bite by bite. Oh, how glad she was to come to this mansion. Yui, on the other side, was fuming with rage.

Why were they not paying any attention to her? She thought, yui had already planned a lot of things to do it [Y/N], and getting her a fever was one of them.

[Y/N] originally did not have caught fever, but it was yui who stole some potions, from reiji's room when he was away, and added it to her drink.

How bad she was. Making [Y/N] suffer like that. But in her mind. She sis not care. She would be glad if [Y/N] died.

Reiji felt a familiar scent hit his nose. It was the scent of a potion he made. Then it hit him like a truck.

The smell was coming from [Y/N].

But, who was it to mix it into her drink? He knew his brothers would  never do this kind of things to her. He knew they loved her like he did.

The other one was yui. She hated [Y/N] to depth. And wanted her dead. Now he put the pieces why yui was smirking, pleased with what was happening to    [Y/N]. Oh how a big bitch she was.


Oh god! I'm crying soo bad! What was my fault! I hate my school!

If you want to hear then there it is.

I am the publication captain of me house and our group were preparing for the upcoming solo song competition. We also had our house teacher's permission to do it. And there is my library teacher, she doesn't even issues the books and just sits there in the class. And we were preparing there and some students saw us preparing and gave our name, saying we were bunking our class. And she is now giving us punishment that we have to stand infront of the whole stage.

WHAT DID I DO WRONG HERE! 😭😭😭 We were just doing our duty here and she picks fight with teacher. The captians of other houses were also preparing. They also got punishment. And i am a wise student. I nevsr go out of class without i need to. And she never gives us permission to go out.

This is my first time cursing a teacher  but she is a BITCH, MOTHERSFUCKING BITCH

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