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In the morning, Toji is gone. You don't mind, after all, he saved you the great awkwardness of kicking him out the next morning. It just feels weird considering that last night you were cuddling, but this morning the bed is empty. You don't ponder on it, and you continue with your day. You have to do too much around the house, and you can't just lounge around thinking about Toji.

But thankfully your mind is occupied as you clean your place. Although it's fairly clean, you make sure you deep clean the apartment; it helps you keep your mind off things. After that, you make a grocery list to get items for the week. You go grocery shopping, put everything away, then you go to the laundromat to do your laundry and so on. Your Sunday is eventful, and when you finally get to rest your head on your pillow, there's a knock on your door.

The sun is setting, and you wonder if it's Toji, if he has decided that he wants to talk. You wonder about what though since there's nothing to talk about. You get up from the bed and walk over to the door, and when you see little Megumi, a smile comes to your face.

You crouch down to receive his hug, and then you kiss the temple of his head. He smiles back at you, and his cute face is enough to give you baby fever. You stand up, ruffling his hair. "How are you, Megumi? I missed you."

" 'm good." The little boy answers. You're so focused on him that you completely miss Toji that's behind him. But you eventually look up and you find Toji. You smile at him, as if nothing had happened last night.

"I'm glad to hear, Megumi. Did you enjoy your time with your grandparents?" You ask and he nods in response before he begins to tell you about all the fun stuff he did while he was away. Toji listens to it for the third time since Megumi was just so excited that he had to tell his father twice about everything he did. But he seems to keep adding little details.

"Daddy, can she join us for dinner?" Megumi asks, turning around and looking up at his father. Toji can't say no to his little face especially after being away from him for so long– And by so long he means a couple of days. It felt like an eternity without his son by his side.

"It's up to her." Toji responds. You smile at Megumi before humming in response.

"When's dinner?" You ask them, looking down at Megumi even though the question is for Toji. You feel too awkward to look at him, even though this is the second time it happens. You allowed it to happen a second time, you shouldn't feel awkward.

"We're going out to eat in thirty minutes." Toji answers. And you stand, unsure if you want to accompany them or just stay back. You look at Megumi, and then decide it's best if you join them, you don't want to let him down. Plus things with Toji don't have to be awkward, after all, this isn't the first time it happens.

"Yeah... I'll join you two. I'll get changed." You reply, and Toji looks you up and down before he raises a brow.

"Aren't you ready? He questions because in his eyes, you are more than ready. However, you shake your head. You're definitely not dressing up, but you're also not going to wear the outfit that you've been cleaning with and running errands with. "Okay... Well, we'll meet you in thirty minutes then."

– – –

You end up meeting right on time, and Toji drives you to a small restaurant nearby. One that seems to be one of Megumi's favorites– Megumi's favorite, something both clarified on their way there. You fully got into the car expecting for everything to be awkward but luckily having little Megumi there lightens the awkwardness. Plus, Toji attempts to speak with you, and you do the same. Things have been more awkward before, but still, you're thinking that the events of last night can't happen again because in the end, everything will just end up being too awkward and you don't want that.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐀𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝟑𝟖𝟏 [𝘛𝘰𝘫𝘪 𝘍𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘶𝘳𝘰]Where stories live. Discover now