Chapter 7

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After arriving in front of a cave, we open the door and turn on the lights. Misty, Brock, and Yellow are amazed to see one of our homes, the "Rock Type" manor.

"Welcome to one of our houses," I greet them with a smile.

"You have your own house?" Misty asks, eyes wide. "And this isn't a house... it's a cave..."

Insey settles into a chair. "It certainly is a cave, but it can also serve as a Gym if we want it to."

"Why is it called Rock Type? What does that mean?" Yellow inquires, curiosity evident in her voice.

"This place has a training field suited for Rock Type Pokémon. Ash, Lillie, Alice, and I plan to capture all of them."

"As you can see, it's empty now because we just started our journey and haven't caught any Rock Type Pokémon yet," I explain.

"But how did you manage to get this place for yourselves?" Brock asks, puzzled. "You were still underage, after all."

"You're right, this house doesn't belong to any of us. It belongs to our parents. And as for how we got it, let's just say it used to be a Team Rocket base."

"Team Rocket base?" The three exclaim in shock.

"If you don't know, Team Rocket used to be a giant terrorizing organization. Not like those three who have been doing nothing but fooling around, stalking us for my Pikachu," I explain. "My father is the leader of Team Alpha. I'm sure you've all heard of it."

"I do," Misty replies. "Team Alpha is an organization that works with the International Police and the Pokémon League to stop evil organizations from rising. But some say their methods were quite brutal. Wait, you're the son and daughter of the leaders?"

"Of course we are," Insey confirms. "Our mother used to be a spy sent by Team Rocket to infiltrate our organization. Her goal was to kill our father, but in the end, she decided to defect from Team Rocket after falling in love. After she betrayed Team Rocket, she sold out their bases from all the regions to us. That's why we have this place."

"You mean Team Rocket used to be in other regions as well?" Misty asks.

"After a huge loss, they could only stay in Kanto and Johto," I clarify.

Yellow turns to Serena. "Hey, Serena. May I ask you a question? How did you and Ash meet in the first place?"

Serena blushes slightly and smiles. "We met at a Summer Camp when we were seven. I injured my knee, and Ash found me, treated my wounds, and helped me get out of the forest since I was lost."

I blush a little as the memories come flooding back. Misty interjects, "And you keep mentioning Lillie and Alice. Who are they?"

"Lillie is the daughter of the presidents of the Aether Foundation, while Alice is the daughter of two gym leaders in the Kalos Region," I explain. "Although the four of us wanted to travel together, Lillie and Alice had to wait one or two years before they could take the trainer's test and get their licenses."

"So Lillie and Alice are younger than you?" Brock asks.

"Lillie is half a month younger than me, while Alice is a year younger," I say.

We decide to show them each of the rooms. After looking around, Misty notices a locked door and asks, "Ash, what's in there?"

I open the door, revealing a room filled with jewels and treasure. "This is the treasure room. With the help of Hoenn Champion Steven Stone, we learned how to mine for jewels and rare stones. We like to collect them and make accessories."

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