Chapter 46

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On Three Island, Misty loses her Psyduck and mistakes a wild Golduck for hers, but she finds Psyduck eventually. And now we meet a gang of bikers who called themselves the Kanto Rider Federation. One person says, "Are you the boss? Go back to Kanto right now!"

"Hah? I just got here, pal! What's with the hostile attitude? It's might cold of you!" The biker says.

"Your gang followers have been raising havoc on their bikes. Do you have any idea how much trouble they've caused us on the island?" Another resident says.

"No, man, I don't get it at all." The biker says. "Look at this place. What do you do for entertainment? You ought to be thanking us for livening up this sleepy village. But hey, if you insist, you can try making us leave."

" tough in pack..." The third one says.

Of course, we are not going to let them do what they want, so we decide to battle them. Tracy actually has another Pokemon from Johto called Marill, which is a Water Type, and it helps us defeat the group.

Once they are defeated, the boss of the gang says, "Humph! Yeah, go right on hanging around with these hayseeds!"

Then they all retreat as they are thanked by the residents here, I decided to ask them the whereabouts of Lostelle. "Have you seen a girl named Lostelle? That's why we are here."

"Her house is in the southwest, you can find it over there." The resident says as we thank him. But as we knock on the door, we find that no one is in there and the door is not even locked. They enter the house and find it empty.

"So she is not inside her house as well..." Insey says.

"Where could she be?" Misty asks. "I'm a little tired when things aren't going on our way..."

"Well, there is the Berry Forest." Insey says. "I'm pretty sure that there are a lot of Grass or Bug Type Pokemon in there."

Then we decide to go through the Bond Bridge and head to Berry Forest. Insey manages to capture an Exeggcute at the Bond Bridge and use the Leaf Stone to evolve them. But before we can enter the forest, Misty refuses to go in.

"What's wrong, Misty?" Yellow says.

"I think I'll stay here." Misty says.

"Are you kidding me? There are a lot of Bug Pokemon in the forest and you'll miss it." Tracy says.

I say, "Tracy... Misty is afraid of Bug Pokemon..."

"Oh! So you're saying that when it comes to Bug Pokemon, Misty's a chicken!" Tracy says, only to be stepped on the feet. Tracy sends out Venonat and Marill to help look around, and we find some Caterpie, Misty tries to drag us away, only to encounter a Pinsir.

"A Pinsir is worse than a Caterpie!" Misty yells, but Insey immediately captures the Pokemon. "I didn't capture a Pinsir in the Safari Zone, so I'll capture it right now!"

Then we continue as we notice how Venonat and Marill make a great team, but then they find an injured Scyther. Insey says, "A Scyther!"

Before Tracy can heal Scyther, it jumps back and tries to battle. I say, "Wait, we only want to help you, Scyther!"

Insey says, "Maybe we should capture it so we can send it to the Pokemon Center." But Insey's throw doesn't seem to work on Scyther. I try to fight, but Tracy stops me and says that it is too weak to fight.

"So what are we going to do then?" Serena asks.

"I have an idea. Venonat! Come on!" Tracy has Venonat use Sleep Powder, and Scyther eventually falls asleep. Tracy is the one who captures the Scyther instead, and I'm surprised that Insey didn't complain when she isn't the one capturing Scyther...

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