Chapter 47

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When we get to Four Island, we realize how far it is compared to the other islands. Misty says, "So where is Lorelei's house?"

"I guess it is this one." We try to knock on the door, only to find that Lorelei is not there. I say, "I wonder where she has gone..."

"This Four Island is the smallest island of the Sevii Islands, but it is also famous for its Icefall Cave. I have to guess that she might be there."

"Icefall Cave sounds like a place where she would go, considering it is filled with Ice Type Pokemon." Yellow says.

We try to get into the cave and see if we can find Lorelei, but there is a commotion that gains our attention.

"Keep your filthy hands off the Pokémon in the cave! Do as I say, or you'll have me to answer to!" We recognizes the voice being Lorelei's voice, and we find that she's facing a lot of Team Rocket grunts.

"Aww...shut it, lady, and leave us be." One Team Rocket grunt says. "Don't let your glasses all steamed up." The second one says.

"Ms. Lorelei!" We manage to gain her attention, and she's surprised. "Ash! Misty! Yellow! Serena! Insey! What are you guys doing here?"

Before we can say something, she says, "No, we can catch up later. Right now, I need your help. Help me kick these poachers out before they do anything else. They've been catching Pokémon here, then selling them off!"

"We can't let them get away with this." I say as we battle the grunts. And after defeating their Zubats, Lorelei grabs one of the grunts' collars and says, "Humph. So despicably weak. You! Tell me! Where have you taken the captured Pokémon? I'm smashing your ring once and for all!"

"N-no way! I'm not telling you that!" The grunt says.

"If you won't confess, we'll deep-freeze you. My Lapras is furious about what you've done to its friends. Go, Lapras! Ice Beam..." Lorelei says.

"Wawaah! Okay! I'll talk!" The grunt is terrified as he decides to talk. "The Pokemon are in the Rocket Warehouse on Five Island. There! I said it! We'll be going now! But I doubt you'll ever make it to the Rocket Warehouse!"

After the retreat, Lorelei turns to us and says, "Ash, I got news from your mother that you're here to challenge me for the Elite Four battle, but I'm sorry that I have to decline because of this awful thing. I was born and raised here on these islands. I had no idea that those horrible criminals were loose here... Something is weighing heavily on my mind. If anything were to happen on the island where I was born... I wouldn't know it if I were in the Pokémon League. I wonder if that would make me irresponsible to my home..."

"I understand, even though the boss is missing, they are still doing bad things." I say. "But don't worry, we'll stop them."

We decide to head to Five Island because that's where Team Rocket's hideout is, but much to our annoyance, we need passwords to get in. So we decide to head to Six Island first to get the Gemstone that Celio wants.

"This sure is a big island here." Insey says.

"Yeah." Tracy says, "That is the Water Path, it is a long route on the east side of the main island. It links the town with Green Path to the north and Ruin Valley to the south."

"Green Path consists of the western part of the smaller island, including Pattern Bush, and a pair of tiny rocky islets farther west. Outcast Island lies off to the north. Just look at how many places we can go there?" Serena says.

"We are going to the Ruin Valley." I say. "That's where the gemstone might be."

Before we go there, we met two young trainers who are arguing about their Nidorans being missing. When we find them, it is obvious that the two Nidoran love each other. Misty decides to do something about the situation, and she writes two letters for each trainer and pretends they are from each other. But the presents that Misty chooses are only making matters worse because they either throw up or are allergic to the presents. It is then Team Rocket trio shows up and tries to steal the two Nidoran. The two trainers realize that the two Nidoran are fighting for each other and decide to team up. Both Nidoran also evolve in the end and send Team Rocket flying.

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