Chapter 18

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Now we are at Rock Tunnel, and we can't see anything in front of us because of the darkness. I say, "The Rock sure is dark inside."

"It is a good thing that we have the HM for Flash, so we can use it to navigate the place." Serena says.

"You're right, that sure is convenient." Misty adds.

Once we head inside, with Pikachu using Flash, we can see our surroundings. When we decide to take a break, we find a Machop training at a wall.

"Wow, a is a great Fighting Type Pokemon." Brock says.

"I know, and I am going to capture it." I decide to use Golbat to battle. Golbat attempts to use Gust, but the Machop gracefully jumped and does a backflip to evade the attack. Shortly after, the Machop counters with Karate Chop and hit Golbat.

"What skill. Good thing that Golbat has a lot of resistance from Fighting Type moves." I then have Golbat use Gust again and this time he defeats the Machop, I also capture the Pokemon in the end.

Machop: The Superpower Pokemon: Fighting Type. Loves to build its muscles. It trains in all styles of martial arts to become even stronger.

"And you guys are getting a lot of Pokemon." Brock says. "I wonder if you really can use that many..."

"Of course, we can." Serena says, "Besides the two of us, we have Lillie and Alice helping us as well."

Then we decide to help Insey train, and she also evolves her Zubat into Golbat.

Suddenly, a loud roar is heard and Yellow inquires, "Did you hear that, guys?"

"Oh my god! That is a rare sight!" After the roar, we also hear a girl's voice, and we recognize that voice anywhere.

"That sounds like Daisy!" Insey gasps as they all rush in the direction, and they see Daisy standing in front of a giant pile of crystals.

"Ash! Guys!" Daisy waves her hand at them, and Ash asks, "Daisy, what's going on?"

"I'm trying to search for a Titan Pokemon in the Rock Tunnel, but look what I found!" Daisy says.

They turn towards her direction and they gasp to see a crystal Onix. "A Crystal Onix!" Serena gasps.

"Can you tell me how an Onix is transformed into a crystal-like form?" Misty asks.

"We don't know for sure, but wow..." I say, since I learned that even though it is still Rock and Ground Typing, thanks to its material that he has a lot of resistance to Water.

Just then, Team Rocket tries to capture the Onix with the net and the attacks, causing the Onix to be injured. We try to stop them, but the net is big and we are having a hard time trying to break the net.

Just as Team Rocket is about to attack us and take both Pikachu and Meowsie, we hear a shaking and a giant Machamp appears in front of us.

"That Machamp is so huge... how does it get into a tunnel like that?" Brock asks.

"Beats me. But that is a Titan Machamp for sure!" Daisy replies. The Machamp then goes for Dual Chops, sending Arbok and Weezing flying. And after we free the Onix, with the combination of Focus Blast, Flash Cannon, Thunderbolt, and Swift.

"We've done it!" As we cheer, the Machamp looks at us before leaving, and Daisy says, "You've helped me find another Titan Pokemon, and that makes three already. I think you should take this as a reward."

And I got another badge from Daisy, and she called it the Sphere Badge since it is circular shaped and red colored. The Onix also roars as I turn to the Pokemon.

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