Chapter 16. <3

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Nathan P.O.V.

"Mate, I don't know how I'm going to tell Kaeliegh." I say, running my fingers through my hair.

"Hey, It's fine, Just tell her." Jay says.

"No, She will be crushed." I tell him.

"Nath, C'mon man, She'll understand." Max says. Just then she walks down the stairs with Hunter on her hip.

"Da**." I say under my breath.

"Hey, Babe." She says.

"Hey, Babe. Give me the munchkin." I say. I take her and start making faces at her, Causing her to laugh.

"Nath has something he needs to tell you." Jay blurts out. Thanks.

"No I don't." I say, not bothering to take my stare off of Hunter.

"Here, I'll help you...." Max starts.

"Nonononono SHUT UP!" I yell.

"We're going on tour for six months." He says.

"I hate you." I say.

"I'll be back." Kaeliegh says. I know what she's going to do.

"Siva, Take her!" I say, Handing him Hunter. I run upstairs just as she grabs the razor.


"I'm not Kaeliegh Sykes yet!" She says.


"Why should I!?" She ask/yells.

"Because I don't want you too. If that's not good enough, Because Hunter doesn't want you too." I tell her.

"Too bad." She says. She puts the razor to her wrist and I tackle her and wrestle her for it. I finally win and stand up with the razor in hand.

"I'm putting this, And everything else... On a HIGH shelf." I say, Holding it where she can't reach it.

"Nathan, Please, Don't leave me." She says, letting a tear slip. I quickly wipe it away with my thumb.

"I have too. If you want, I can see if Jess will come stay here with you and help you with Hunter." I tell her.

"Please." She says. I pull out my phone and call Jess.


"Jess, It Nathan. Can you come stay with Kaeliegh for six months?"

"Yeah, When do you need me?"

"Tonight. We leave at four in the morning."

"Yeah, Be there in an hour."

"Thanks, Bye."


I put my phone away and walk downstairs.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2013 ⏰

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