Unwelcome surprise

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*okay, so Dom's like 18 years old in this and Oli... let's say 27, their actual age gap would make Oli 29 in this story but I guess I can do whatever the fuck I want in stories. So... enjoy!*

Dom's POV
"So don't forget, don't make a bad impression, Dominic! This family could potentially carry a lot of advantages for our company", my mother said. I nodded. We were on our way to a party to meet the CEO's of a cooperative company and my parents were also leading a company, one of the biggest in all of England. Now they'll try making a deal with this other company. I don't even know why I'm coming with them, this ain't got nothing to do with me. My mum was looking that everything on me looked neat while giving me advices how to talk and behave. Not that this isn't my 600th event I've already been to. And I won't follow the rules anyway. We arrived there and started walking towards the huge house. Laughters and classic music were audible. We walked through the door and were directly greeted by a house maid, who took our coats and vanished. My parents directly ran around trying to find the company leaders. The family's name is Sykes if I remembered correctly. I walked around before stopping a waiter to ask him to get me a beer. Not even a minute later I got it and quickly made it past the group of rich girls that were eyeing me like I'm some piece of fresh meat and they're wild animals. I vanished upstairs and tried to find a room. On my way there was a couple blocking the way but I just walked past them. I found the bathroom and sat down on the lid of the toilet and got my phone out. I searched through my socials and various accounts on various apps to distract myself. After I drank the large glass half empty my head felt light, which was a good sign. I didn't want this life. If I could I'd live in a normal family, go to a normal school and have real friends. This world of rich people and spoiled children is not the one I wanted. Ever. I sighed and called an old friend of mine. The only one I trust from the fake pack I call "friends" on my school. Tom. "Ello, mate!", I said loudly. "Hey, Dom! How are ya?", he asked. "I'm okay. Just got meself a beer. Am sitting in the bathroom right now and waiting till me parents are done doing their rich people shit. And thought it'd be a lot less boring if I jus called an old mate of mine", I slightly slurred. "How are you?", I asked back. "Same. Well, not literally, but I've got meself a beer", he laughed. I laughed back and we continued having small talk. Me and him, we connect over our similar lives and how we don't actually fit into the social circle we were born into. Both not being a typical "alpha male", born to strongly lead the company into success. Nah. We were both jus some teens, pushed into a life full of shallow people and shallow conversations, while money exchanges were the only real conversations led by the people here. We've been friends since we were toddlers and it hasn't changed at all. We were like brothers. Still are. I heard someone call my name. My mum. "Gotta go, Tommy, luv ya", I sat quickly and hung up on him. I opened the bathroom door and walked down the stairs. When I finally saw my parents I saw them standing together with some people, chatting cheerfully. "Yeah?", I asked. "Ah, Dominic! Mr. and Mrs. Sykes, this is our son, Dominic. Dominic, these are the leaders of Sykes company and the young man standing next to them is their son Oliver Sykes", she introduced me. I shook each of their hands before they kept talking and I started zoning out. My ADHD. I looked around and thought about various things, how I hated this place, how I hated the people and their fake laughters, how I'll probably have an anxiety attack if I won't get out of here soon. When I looked back straight ahead I noticed the guy, the son of the CEO's staring at me. I looked away and kept staring into empty space. "So then, we'll have to go! Our son will have exams soon and is really tired from all that learning, so he'll probably need some sleep", my mother finally said. I rolled my eyes at her lying into their faces. I won't have exams till July and it's February. But as always I made it subtle so it won't be noticed. "Yes. It's quite hard to learn if you're constantly tired! But it was really nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Sykes. Mr. Sykes", I agreed and shook each of their hands. I let go of the guys, Oliver's hand. It was soft and only light warm, cooling my hot and sweaty skin. We walked outside and drove away. On the ride back home I had the pleasure to hear my parents complain about my constant absence during the event and about everything else I said or did, how I could've done this and that more perfectly... it gave me a headache. "Ah and what I forgot... we're going to see the Sykes tomorrow again and you're coming with us", said my father. "Why? You never take me to those kind of events", I said confused. "You'll see", my mother said mysteriously. I just frowned and started distracting myself with my thoughts till we arrived at our mansion. I spent the night texting Tom and scrolling through content of my favourite artists on various apps. Our house maid Layla woke me up and got me clothes my mother wanted me to wear. It was a black polo shirt and blue jeans... I hate blue jeans. I feel so insecure in them. And I'd much rather wear a skirt or something but I can't, coz "skirts are not for boys". Bollocks. I put on my clothes before I walked downstairs and ate with my parents. The Sykes will come to our mansion today and I was supposed to look acceptable. Soon enough they were here. "Carol!", shouted my mother fake cheering. "Samantha!", she shouted back, the same fake sweet tone in her voice. They hugged and greeted each other and shook my hand each. They brought their son again. He had a sour look on his face. "So then is everything ready?", asked Mrs. Sykes. My mother nodded and led us to our huge living room. Some weird guy sat on the couch and in front of him laid various papers. "So then, Carol, look I kind of kept the whole thing from Dominic, he'd make too much of a fuss, so I'll just let him sign it", my mother said and I looked at her confused. The look on Olivers face changed. Like he wanted to warn me. "Come on, dear, just sign this form", she said and somehow I didn't trust that at all. "What is that?", I asked. "Nothing!" "Mum!", I said warning. "Okay! God, children really are a burden", my mother said. I was used to this kind of verbal abuse, but Carols and Oliver's jaws dropped at the way she talked to me. Mr. Sykes in difference just looked bored as if he just wanted to get over with what ever this was. "It's a marriage certificate", she said. My eyes widened and my lips parted in shock. "With yours and young Oliver's marriage the fusion of our company's will be guaranteed and solid", she explained as if I was a little child asking too many dumb questions. I didn't dare to move. I didn't dare to look at Oliver. Or anyone. I just stared and soon enough I came back to my senses. "No", I said calmly. "What? Repeat that", my mother demanded. "I won't do it! Do I look dumb or sumthin?! Are you really that delusional that you think you can just push me into a marriage?", I asked in absolute disgust. "You think I married your father, because I loved him? No! I got married under just the same circumstances and I'm fine, so you will survive it too!", she yelled. I turned around to face the older guy. "And you're okay with that shit?!", I yelled at Oliver. He frowned. "We don't have a fuckin choice!", he replied. "I don't give a fook!!", I yelled before leaving the room without another word. I went upstairs into my room and got into more comfortable clothes. I then laid down on my bed and let my thoughts run wild. Seemingly I was so out of it that I haven't noticed someone coming inside my room. "Hey...", I heard someone say. It was Oliver to my surprise. "Fook off", I sniffled. "I'm sorry that I yelled at you", he said. "I yelled first. And I don't give a fook. As far as I know that was our first fight as a future couple", I said, cringing internally at my words. There was a moment of silence. "Did you sign it?", I broke it. "The form?" I turned on my bed to look at him. "Yes...", he said quietly. I refused to believe it. "Why?", I asked. "... listen. You may not know this. But we were born to lead the companies-", he started but I interrupted him. "I'm aware of that fooked up concept!! You think I don't know?! You think I'm just a child that doesn't know yet how the world works?! Oh, luv... if you knew how I was raised you'd be disgusted to even step a foot into this house", I said in a bitter sweet tone. He stayed silent after that. "Okay... but we both don't wanna have trouble right? Let's just sign those forms and live our lives separately. We'll have to move together, but I mean we'd be roommates, nothing more. And you're a boy, so we don't have to worry about having to have kids or sumthin...", he said. He was right about many things. But... "...you don't know nothing, huh?", I whispered. "What?" I turned around to him again, sitting up as I did so. "I'm... actually able to have children", I said quietly, avoiding his eyes. An awkward silence came over us. "Are you... trans?", he asked. "...No. When I was a baby I was being experimented with. I was one of many babies that my parents created. My siblings died. All of them. When I was a kid, I had two sisters. They both died too. You see, my parents wanted to provide for the case me or my siblings would be queer, so they'd try to implant a womb into the boys they had. And testes for the girls. My younger sister Jemima got organs with a non-matching blood group. My other baby sister Isobel died during the surgery. They were six and four. At that time I was nine. Both died in the same year. I was the only successful experiment. I got a womb. They managed to clear out the memory of twenty five egg cells and fill them with my cell memory. So I can have naturally children as male with a girl or with a boy", I explained. Oli looked at me in horror. "I know it sounds like something straight out of a science fiction horror movie, but I'm not lying. You'd find out sooner or later as far as I can tell", I added. When I still haven't got a reaction I sighed ruefully. "So we actually have to make children", he said. "Yup", I said and finger-gunned him. We just sat in silence, but soon I heard my mothers heels on the stairs and her soft knocking on my door, before she entered. A sweet smile was plastered over her face. That's a bad sign. "Congratulations, Dominic! You're now officially married to Oliver Sykes. Your name is now Dominic Sykes", she said cheerfully. I gaped at her. "But I didn't sign the form", I said quietly. "You didn't. But your signature is on the paper. And that's all that it takes", she said calmly. My eyes widened once again. "You faked my signature!", I yelled in shock. "Someone had to do the right thing. And I'm confident you already explained your special body to your husband, so our families can expect some descendants? You can't deny your mother grandchildren do you?", she asked so sweetly you could say she meant every word. But it was just her way of telling me to hurry up with getting knocked up. I stared at her, eyes wide filled with horror and absolute shock, my stomach turning. I looked at Oliver, who just stared in shock. Our eyes locked and we both knew we were so fooked!

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