Chapter 5

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Dom's POV
Me and Oli were the proudest parents ever. Of course Adam and Tom threw a fuss over why Ben got the second name, but come on they're already godparents, a position I'm not sure I can trust them with. I mean yeah sure it was sad when they accidentally killed my dog when we were 15 but this is my son... I was chilling with Oli, Chris sleeping in a crib in our bedroom when I heard the doer bell ring. "It's okay, I'll get it", I whispered. He kissed my cheek before I went downstairs. I opened the door and a weird man in a suit stood there, behind him a woman. "Hello? Who are you?", I asked. "Hello, Mr. Sykes. We're here for Chris Sykes", he said and something inside me twisted, a bad feeling spreading in my chest. "Why for wha'?", I asked, this time a bit more panicked. "We are from the ISGS, in order of your mother", the guy said. I was confused for a second but then I felt all my blood leaving my face. ISGS- infant surgery for gender switch. And they're here in order of my mother. That makes sense. "He isn't here. Chris is not here right now. W-we brought him to his uncles and we don't know where they are", I said shakily. "Oh... we will be back tomorrow then. We would like you to keep him ready to go with us between 2 and 3 PM. Thank you have a good day, Mr. Sykes", the guy said, the cold staring woman behind him leaving with him. I closed the door and slid down. She wants to take my baby. She wants to make him a multi-gender and if I'll get him back afterwards, nobody knows. If my son is getting any kind of changes on his body then only out of his own will! "Dom? Hey, what are you doing?", I heard Oli saying from the stairs walking towards me. He kneeled down. I tried to hold back my tears of fear, biting my lip, but when Oli kneeled down next to me I could only choke out my words. "She wants to take my baby away", I choked out quietly before starting to cry. "Wha'?", he asked. Then he hugged me and let me cry into his shoulder. After I calmed down he asked me to explain that to him. "My mother sent people from the ISGS, that's short for infant surgery for gender switch, so it's obvious what she wants to do with him. But- I don't want that to happen to him and if I let it happen there's a 87% chance he'll die. And maybe she'll take him away if he survives the surgery... I don't want- I don't wanna-", I couldn't speak anymore I was just crying and sobbing. "I don't want the same thing th-that happened to m-me to happen to h-him!", I sobbed. Oli tried his best at soothing me, but I was so scared. Oli lifted me up and carried me to our couch and then vanished upstairs to get our baby. I held him tightly. We sat there in silence. "I've never met my real mother", I said. "Wha'?", he said confused. "Thats not my mother. I was given to her after my real mother died during the birth. My aunt tried having kids with her husband but she was infertile. A wonder happened and two of he baby's survived then she experimented with them too and they died both as I told you my sisters. My mums womb ripped off and he bled to death. My mum was a guy like me. The woman who raised me is my mums older sister. Me grandad was against that, he wanted me to be raised by my dad, but my grandmother insisted on me being raised for the company. My dad died on cancer that developed due to his huge trauma of my mums death and me being taken away from him after a year of raising me. I didn't always live in London. I lived with my dad in Doncaster for a year or two. But then I had no choice but to stay at my aunts house. Calling her my mother is an insult to my real mother. From what I've heard he was a great guy. A lot like me. Or the other way around. And... I just know she'll take him away from me and give him to someone more suitable for our company, to be forced into a marriage when he's at my age... I can't let that happen. I'm his mother. I can't let her ruin Chris, like she ruined me", I told him. His face was a mask of shock. "That's not your mother?!", he questioned confused. I shook my head. We again sat in silence after that for good five minutes. "I'm so sorry that happened to you, darlin", he said and I smiled softly still not looking up from our son. "It's fine. I'm free now. At least a bit", I said. Oli wasn't shy about his problems he already told me so much about his life. It was rough and not easy to always push your feelings away to be that perfect son. I knew those struggles. "How about if we move?", he said breaking my train of thoughts. I looked up at him. "Wha'?", I asked confused. "If we move somewhere else they can't get him. And we can expose the hospital allowing those experiments", he said. "You'd do that for us?", I said smiling at him. "Of course, Dom, you and Chris are my life", he replied. And then I teared up. "Wha'? Wha' is it, Dom? I didn't mean to make you cry...", he whined. "No, it's alright... it's just... you're the first person to say something like that to me. And that's your first 'first' with me y'know wha' I mean? I already had sex, my friends tell me that they love me daily, but no one's ever said that I meant their life to them", I said grinning at my husband. He smiled and kissed me. "You know we could move to... my hometown. If you want. It's quite weird here in London anyway. Sheffield is a bit closer to your childhood home. What do you think, luv?", he asked. I nodded. "Yeah, okay that sounds good", I agreed. "Aright then let's start packing, tomorrow we'll have to be gone", he said. I left Chris in his crib, making sure windows and any other ways to come inside are closed. I don't know how far my aunt would go to get my son. We moved within literally just a few hours. Oli bought us a huge mansion surrounded by forests and a small lake within five minutes walking distance. The town was half an hour away if you drove there. It was really just a little safe space for me and my family. And Oli made sure we were safe at all times. After we bought the mansion online making a house tour over FaceTime we went to sleep. Our things would arrive in Sheffield the next morning.
The next day we woke up and I drank a coffee before I got my purse and backpack and ordered us a taxi to the station. We arrived there at 8AM. We took a train so it only took two and a half hours to get there. Arrived in Sheffield we took another taxi to get us to the mansion. It kinda reminded me of the Adam's family with it's dark aesthetic and the large forest surrounding it. A dark beauty. The house was painted in mostly black but with yellow lights so it had a cozy atmosphere. The living room was furnished with a large L-formed couch in brown soft leather the carpet being beige so our baby boy won't make too obvious stains. The couch table was a black round block of marble, the edges round so Chris can't hurt himself. The walls were filled with many and many different vinyls of the most perfect masterpieces created in the music industry, from ABBA to my very own albums. A few months ago I had a collaboration with a rapper called Mgk, cool dude, our single went platinum and that was hung over our fire place. There was a white piano placed directly in front of the windows letting one see outside into the forest. The house was set up with a studio, which was perfect. I knew Oli had started his own singing career way before me and I loved his band, but to my embarrassment I didn't recognize him all this time as the lead singer. So naturally our walls were also filled with Bmth's albums and any kind of certifications and awards. We had so many books and they were definitely Oli's, thanks to my ADHD I can't concentrate long enough to read long books. The baby's room was in contrast to the rest of the house painted in pastel colour of all kinds forming a nice blend of a rainbow. The furniture was all in different styles, from different country's, from different century's, but still fitting together complimenting each other, the colors of the furniture changing and shifting with the colors on the walls. Our bedroom was black and red, modern style meeting vintage style. The bathroom was also nice in blue meeting black, in ocean and water style, but classy and not cheap. I sometimes asked myself how much all this costed but Oli just said it wasn't anything to worry about. There were a few other rooms, the baby's bathroom, a guest room and a guest toilet, the kitchen and well the studio. We had a nice garden that was kind of looking like it blended in with the forest. I think we'll need to put a fence around it though I don't want Chris to run off when he's able to walk. From this place I could continue my career perfectly fine but I only rarely went on tour right now. After all I have to sort out my family first. Oli directly started the court sue against the ISGS and within a week they were taken down. It was a stressful week for me, I feared for my son. But when we won I was so relieved. My aunt and uncle were arrested for all the children they experimented on. Including me. I was somehow a bit down that I can't have children anymore and asked the clinic I gave birth in if there were other options. They told me that they saved the egg cells out of my womb and froze them in case I'd say something like that. After I heard that I was so happy. Me and Oli were finally fookin free from all this shit. We quit the company and fully concentrated on both our music careers. Tom, Adam and Mikey gave up their lives as assistants on their own company and joined me in my music career.   Me and Oli raised Chris as good as possible and gave him the possibility to become the person he wants to be, including his gender. That's his decision. I want my son to be happy. And in difference to my aunt, when I will hear him saying 'I love you' to me for the first time, I'm going to say it straight back at him. Because that's how family should work.

Oli's POV
That whole drama was now good two years ago and me and Dom had a really nice life, touring and having our boy all the way with us. He was happy and after all that was why we pulled through so much shit, so he can be happy. Me and Dom had made the decision to try for another kid by now. Or well, that depends on if you understand under 'trying', being two months pregnant. His friends and my friends always were supportive, thank god. And for anyone who hates us or thinks we don't deserve our living or doesn't like our life in any kind... Go to Hell, for Heaven's Sake!

*think that was my first smut-free story... hope you enjoyed it anyway :)*

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