Chapter 4

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Oli's POV
I woke up and carefully got Dom off me, letting him sleep while going downstairs to make breakfast. It was now two weeks ago he said he'd go on a date with me. We did and it was really nice. We went to a concert and Dom heard my singing voice for the first time, he loved it. And honestly? I loved him. All the little quirks I found out about as well as all the perfections this boy came with. It didn't matter anymore how we met or what brought us together, after we took over the company we broke contact with his parents. My parents still wanted to support us, so why not just let them if they've got good intentions. We sometimes got some threat letters from Dom's parents. They weren't really threats or at least they didn't look like it, but they were remarking sweetly how excited they'd be for an extension of our family and how cute the new family members would be. But we didn't let them get to us. We didn't want to rush it all. But we did have sex already. Protected sex. Or at least I thought we always had protected sex. I was out with Jordan the friend who I brought over when Dom and I confessed to each other and when I came home I found Dom crying in our bathroom, holding a pregnancy test in his shaking hand, that when I looked at it more closely was most definitely positive. I stared at the plastic stick in shock. "B-but we always protected, how- how did that happen", I stuttered. "I don't know", he sobbed quietly and shook his head, his face hidden behind his knees, since he sat on the toilet lid for at least two hours. "Okay, c'mere", I said and pulled him up and sat down on our bed with him on my lap. "A kid isn't the worst thing to happen to us right? We will manage this", I told him. "You wanker! This isn't about managing a child, of course we could manage a child. It's just... I don't want them to grow up like this! With this stress, being urged to be perfect and stereotypical to the last detail. That's not what I have foreseen for my kids! I don't know about you, but I'm not going to let them be raised like that, I'm sorry", he sniffled. "Oh... yeah, I mean I can understand that. But Dom... I'm the CEO now. Your parents don't have anything to say in our lives. They don't have to be raised like that. We're going to raise them and as long as you won't urge them to do anything that won't happen. This is our life, our family, our baby", I told him. "You mean that?", he sniffled a last time. "Yeah. And I swear if your or my parents are gonna try to harm you or our baby I'm going to protect you. I know our love story was kinda rushed and messy, from a marriage to a relationship to a baby, but we will manage it all, I promise", I said and kissed him. He then huddled up with me on our bed. We soon started talking about our baby, the gender, the name, our shared future journey. We both agreed on not telling both our parents about the pregnancy and making sure that we won't meet them during it all. Not even mine. Our journey was wild. I helped Dom with his morning sicknesses as much as I could as well with his cravings and I endured his every mood. I massaged his feet and back, when he entered third trimester and ensured his well-being at all times. I found out the gender with him, a boy, and I felt my sons first kicks. I was there for any step possible. I was there when Dom was horny, moody as fook or tired since he couldn't sleep without me. His friends cared so much for him and helped us with everything possible. They threw a gender reveal party and arranged a baby shower. Dom got impossibly more beautiful during his pregnancy. His skin was glowing and he got a bit more curvy not too much but just the right amount of curvy, making me seriously pity the fact that he refused to model. The bump was so cute and although Dom was sad about every piece of clothing he couldn't fit into anymore, I couldn't help but love every inch of growth since it always meant a shorter time until meeting my son. In his eighth month Dom got so unbelievably sensible about everything and I couldn't blame him, I think I'd be completely overwhelmed with carrying a baby, but it sure was a bit exhausting, having him crying about each and everything. Mine and Dom's love grew increasingly, still. The day of our sons birth was probably the most stressing, beautiful experience I've ever gone through. And in the end almost the worst...
Me and Dom were at home when the contractions started, it was all very calm. We were expecting it and had our hospital bags packed already. We waited till Dom's water broke and when it did so we rushed to the car to drive to the hospital. I stayed by Dom's side the whole time, supporting him emotionally and preparing him mentally for what was about to come. The time things got complicated first was when Dom's mother showed up. "Is the baby already out?", she asked standing in the doorway. I looked at her frowning. How did she know anything about this. "Not yet, please wait outside until the baby is born", I told her and she went out smiling. Dom looked up at me in horror. "She's gonna do the same to our baby as she did to me! You cannot allow that do you understand?! As soon as our son is born you won't leave his side, if I'm okay does not matter, understood?!", he said urgently. I nodded. "Yes, luv", I promised and kissed his forehead. "I won't let them take him away, I promise, nothing is going to happen to him", I added. We were brought into the delivery room where his mother was waiting already. "I don't want her here!", yelled Dom. The nurses had to talk her down then to leave. "I'm his mother, I should be here!", she insisted. "Mr. Sykes obviously does not want you here for the birth of his child that is his decision and if your going to accept that or not doesn't matter, you will have to leave now. We of course have other options and can include the police and believe it or not, not leaving the delivery room is actually a case to involve the police", hissed the nurse at my mother-in-law. She left after that, cursing, but she left. I then concentrated on my husband. He did the best job giving birth to our baby and after thirteen hours of screaming and crying and nearly breaking my arm, he managed to successfully give birth. The baby was directly passed to him, but after Dom started tensing up intensely he was passed to me. The umbilical cord was cut in a hurry and everything was really rushed. Somebody gave me a towel to wrap my son into while every nurse gathered around Dom. I don't know what happened but from what I heard and saw he was loosing a lot of blood. "What's happening?!", I yelled. One of the nurses took me aside and explained everything to me. "So after the birth the implanted womb ripped from the base of your husbands rectum where it was operated on. Since it's not his natural developed organ his body is trying to get rid of the foreign organ through letting blood flood his stomach. That added to the already bloody wound from the rip of the womb he could loose way too much blood and die if we won't get him to push out the uterus. Worst case we'll have to take him into surgery to get the organ out as fast as possible. Naturally because of the ripped organ and his body contracting on autopilot he's experiencing severe pain and stress right now to sum it all up", she explained to me. I dead panned. "So basically while you're here chatting with me, my husband's... dying?", I asked. "Correct", she said and got back to work. When I looked over to Dom I nearly got a heart attack. His lower body half was almost completely covered in blood his body limp, his eyes rolled back. It looked like he's dead. For the first time in my life I felt genuinely scared. Then one of the nurses slowly started pulling on some pink piece of flesh and I had the urge to throw up when I saw that that thing was the huge uterus my son was growing in for nearly ten months. The pink flesh was covered in blood something you'd only see in horror movies. They placed it into a silver bowl and made Dom swallow some medicine. "He needs a transfusion", one of the nurses yelled. His eyes were rolled back only the white of his eyes was visible. The nurses worked on Dom's lower half a lot. Then a stand with a blood bag, that was directly brought to Dom, was being rolled inside.  They made the transfusion quickly. My heart stopped for a second. "Stable! He's stable again!", yelled one of the nurses. Meanwhile my son was sleeping peacefully through his mothers near death experience. Dom had to stay in the hospital for two days. On the second day his mother approached me again. "Hello, dear! How's the baby doing? Good?" I didn't answer her. "Great! Well, then. Come on know give him to me. They will take care of him", she said reaching out for the baby sleeping in my arms. I frowned. "How about no? You can't have him sorry", I said. "Who do you think you are that you think you can talk to me like that?!", she yelled waking up my son. "Coincidentally I am this baby's father and believe it or not that position does have something to say in the baby's life. Besides that I promised your son to not give him to you under no circumstances. Now. I think your mission here is done. Failed, but done. Now leave. And if you do appear in my, Dom's or our sons life again I will make sure that the police will be involved", I said smiling at her as sweetly as she smiled at us. Fake bittersweet. She started screaming at me but I just called the hospital security. They got her out of the building. That evening we returned home. Dom directly went to sleep, meanwhile I fed the baby. Never. Ever. Have I thought I'd be here today. In the sense of... holding my baby. The child I share with a 19 year old. A 19 year old that I love very much.
The next day I woke up and Dom was not to be found next to me which made me feel bad, since he isn't supposed to move too much on his own yet. I walked downstairs and saw Dom sitting on the couch, feeding our son. We named him Chris. Ben and Jordan as second and third name after our best friends. "Hey, Dom", I said and leaned over the couch to kiss him. He smiled and looked back at our son. "Morning, darlin", he replied. "How'd you sleep, sweetheart?", I asked as I made us something to eat. "Perfectly fine. I was too exhausted to stay awake and you know how calming your presence is for me", he replied. "How's our boy?", I asked which earned me a chuckle from my punk boy. "Chrissy's fine. His stomach's been acting up a bit but the doctor told me it's normal and to just make sure nothing gets in his airways", he told me. I joined my little family on the couch. I let Dom lean into me so we ended up being a huddled pack of Sykes', all cuddled up. Chris has got Dom's eyes and I wouldn't have it any other way. His mothers eyes are beautiful. But he's got my hair. Which meant for him a hard time dealing with them. Or maybe it's just my hair color and the structure is Dom's. I hope so. I loved seeing Dom in his position as parent. He was all cheesy and gooey and so soft. Not that he was rarely like that but it's just so beautiful how the love for our son turned him into a complete love struck idiot. "You wanna go to daddy?", he cooed and carefully lifted him up so I could hold him, which I did. He was so cute. I smiled at him. He just stared at me with big green eyes. "I wish he got your eyes", sighed Dom. "What are you saying, baby? His eyes are beautiful. They're the same color as yours", I said frowning. "I know. But you have such an intense brown like dark wood out of the Forrest after a rainy day", he replied. I chuckled. "Nice poetry. But he's still got beautiful eyes. And yours are literally like grass but lighter, which makes them softer and easier to loose oneself in them. And depending on the lighting your eye colour also gets brown or blue", I said. "Now that's just bollocks", he said chuckling. "No, for real! You remember that photo shooting of you in the beige nightie? Your eyes were literally brown", I said. He just hummed. We spent the day chilling and doing absolutely nothing, mostly just admiring our newborn son.

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