Chapter 3

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Oli's POV
I was in the kitchen making myself something to eat since I was hungry again. It was now afternoon and Dom still hasn't returned yet. I didn't worry but I did ask myself where he was for so long. Worrying is something completely different. I was in my office when I heard the front door open and laughters fill the living room downstairs. I heard them coming closer, they must be going into the bedroom. I heard the voices becoming more quiet before suddenly Dom started laughing so loud it was as if he was in this exact room. After spending and hour there I heard them going back down into the living room turning on music. Damn, the kid had a good taste! Then I heard weird broken parts of music. Like they weren't put together yet. I went out of my office telling myself I needed water and walked down the stairs. I was shocked by what I saw. Adam had a guitar strapped around his neck playing a few notes on it while Tom recorded them. "When's Gav going to get here?", asked Dom. "He said ten minutes max", replied Tom. Oli stared at the whole scenery, a huge mess of different music tools were spread around the floor and in the middle of the mess there stood Dom, half of his hair dyed pink or purple, depending on the lighting, the green of his eyes highlighted by black eyeliner around his eyes, black lipstick coloring his full lips.

 (His outfit, but the glasses are on top of his head) (imagine the described makeup)

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(His outfit, but the glasses are on top of his head) (imagine the described makeup)

"Oh hey, dude", said Tom waving at Oli. He waved back slowly after processing everything.
"Is it alright if I put one of the children's rooms to good use?", asked Dom. "Y-yeah sure", I stuttered. They collected all the stuff on the floor and moved them upstairs into one of the children's room. Dom stayed in the living room, checking the time occasionally. "You...", I started. He looked at me curiously. "Yeah?", he asked encouraging. "You look really beautiful, sorry, I can't think straight right now", I said and went back upstairs trying to stop my blush from spreading over my face. I went into my office and stayed there.

Dom's POV
I was frozen in place the blush still hasn't left my face yet. Then the doorbell finally rang. I opened it. Gavin was an old friend of mine I met at the start of my career. No one knew except for Adam and Tom and some other friends, but I had already a career. I already released my first EP in January. Now I could have a studio in my house. And Gavin always supported me as my manager and helped me record most of my stuff alongside another friend Matty, who was an actual producer. They both came here this evening to help me record my songs. I got into the self made studio and for the fact that it was made by three twats it looked really cool. I got into the booth and asked Adam to play that one melody again he played earlier before Oli came down. He did and I started singing along with it. "Doctor, doctor give me a lobotomy, so I don't see what is in front of me, crash, bang, goes the cradle", I sang. I continued to write the lyrics then gathering ideas with Adam until finally Chris, Ben and Mikey came over. The door rang once more. I got up but Oli was already there opening for a guy I didn't know so I just left before he could see me. We finally finished the song and let it play a final time, before trying to perform it. When I was in the middle of the first verse I noticed Oli standing in the door staring at me in surprise again. I sang like I always did with passion and energy and like every word was part of my soul. When I was done I spoke up. "I think I'll stick with 'doctor doctor' as a title, wha' do you guys think?", I asked my friends. "Yeah that's good", said Chris and the others agreed. "Has any of you got new ideas, now that 'doctor doctor's done?", I asked. "I did actually", said Mikey. "I came up with this drum beat", he added and demonstrated what he meant. I bobbed my head to the beat. I looked up again and Oli still stood there. "You can come inside there's still space", I said and smiled. He did as I asked taking his friend with him. They both sat down and then I concentrated again. "Chris, remember when we had that idea of this weird melody that was like really cool, but really weird?", I asked frowning at him. "I think I know what you mean", he said and played the melody I meant. "Yeahh, that's what I meant! I wrote those lyrics that could fit I wanna see if it fits", I explained. I came up with the idea to make half of the beat techno drums, the other half real drums creating a cool vibe. I let it just play on loop while Chris tried to fit the melody over the drums. Meanwhile I searched through my notebook after the lyrics. I just kind of sang over it all, which made it a bit messier, trying different ranges, until I found something that I liked. "Hey, Dom, I have this... wait... I have this kind of sample that'd go good with the start of the song", said Gavin and pulled out his phone and played this weird melody, that was like heavy based on bass. "Fook yeah!", I yelled excitedly. I tried to sing the first verse, but it didn't fit so I changed it here and there. "Okay now let's try to record the drums, to blend them in with the techno drums to blend those in with the guitar which will hopefully inspire the Bassline, which will perfectly blend in with the melody for the start of the song. Any kind of special extras and shit will be recorded or added at the end, for now I just wanna see how that alone sounds", I said. After everything was recorded I messed with the beat and bass on a computer. "Nah, fook this...", I mumbled to myself. "Okay got it", I finally said and let the others hear it. "Now the vocals?", asked Adam. "Now the vocals", I confirmed. I got into the booth and slowly sang the now changed verse. "I made the news today, becoz I hurt my friends, they scribbled down my name, tied both my hands behind my head. They made me meditate to analyze my mental state, I'm just wired up that way, if you're not watching me", now the chorus and that's all. After we spent two hours on the detailing and the rest of the lyrics I finally recorded the final song. I watched Oli's eyes follow me with curiosity and amazement. After it was done I name it. "Fook the NRA", I said. "Absolutely not", said Matty. "Why?", I asked. "It could get us in trouble that's why", he answered. "Take Machine gun, Dom", said Tom. "No I don't wanna", I said frowning. "I'm going to name it what I want it to be", I said determined. "Then do that with another label. I know you're a great kid with great talent but I ain't gonna risk anything for the name of a song", said Matty. "But Matty-", I whined. "No", he said finally. "Fine. Let's do a compromise then. 'Machine gun (FCK the NRA)', fook the NRA in Brackets and fook not written out but spelled F-C-K", I offered. "Fine", sighed Matty. "Yes!", I said grinning. "Who wanna go smoke with me?", asked Tom suddenly. "I do!", I said and Adam agreed on coming with us. We went on the balcony attached to mine and Olis bedroom and smoked. We joked around, but suddenly Tom and Adam excused themselves and went back inside. Then I heard someone else walk on the balcony. I turned around expecting at least one of them back, but instead it was Oli. "Oh, hey, Oli", I said smiling. "Hey...", he replied slowly. "Everything alright?", I asked concerned since he was a bit pale. "Yeah, yeah. I just found out that I know nothing about you. At all", he said sounding defeated. I giggled. "I didn't expect you to know everything about me after, wha'? Two days?", I said smiling at him. It was already night. "So you sing", he said. "Yup", I answered. "You have a really nice voice", he complimented. "Thank you", I said. "You have really beautiful eyes", I added. "Wha'?", he asked confused. "Well, you complimented my voice, but I've never heard yours so I can't compliment it back, so I chose your eyes instead and after all they really are gorgeous", I explained. I didn't really see anything in the dark but I was sure he was blushing. "Dom, I don't know what exactly is happening, but you're really turning my world upside down", he said. "Well, what did you expect from a marriage", I said chuckling. "It's not the marriage. It's you. Your person", he replied, by now leaning next to me on the railing. "Is that negative or positive?", I asked. "Positive, I think", he said. "Then it's good", I said smiling. Then we just stood there in comfortable silence. At least for me it was comfortable. "Dom, I know we had a really messed up start, but would you- do you want to...", he stuttered which confused me. I turned to face him. "Wha'?", I asked encouraging. He exhaled sharply before pulling me close and making his lips meet mine. At first I was completely shocked. But then I began to kiss back and hard also, my hands loosing themselves in his dark curls. His lips were so soft and the kiss was gentle and explorative. He was a great kisser, making my head slightly spin, while my heart started beating fast and hard against my rib cage. He then hesitantly let his tongue lick at my bottom lip, whereupon I parted them giving him access to slip his tongue between my lips. It was absolutely breathtaking for me. "Would you like to go on a date with me, Dom?", he asked me after we parted, his lips still hovering over mine. I smiled. "I'd love to, Oli", I replied. He smiled and looked down. I kissed his cheek before going back inside. I went into the living room where everyone was laying, ready to sleep. "C'mon, Dom, sleep over!", yelled Ben. I smiled, but looked up the stairs at Oli. I tilted my head in question to ask if that's okay. He nodded and left to our bedroom. I laid down next to my friends and while they all fell asleep I laid there awake. The reason why Tom and Adam were so surprised I was sleeping at my first night with Oli was because I had severe insomnia and normally couldn't fall asleep without a couple of drinks or something that is so exhausting that I have no choice but fall asleep, like sex. I was surprised too. But something about Oli's presence was comforting. Giving me a feeling of safety and calmness. Enough comfort for me to be allowed to be off guard for a second and let myself rest. I was still in the for sleep uncomfortable pants and my good charlotte hoodie. I was very uncomfortable with this situation. At last I finally stood up, carefully not to wake anyone up and quietly walked up the stairs and tried my best at opening the bedroom door as quietly as possible. I got in and saw that Oli was already asleep. I pulled my hoodie off and quietly unzipped my pants before getting rid of them. I pulled one of Oli's t-Shirts over my head and since it was too big for me it functioned as a knee long dress, so I just let my panties on and carefully got into the bed. I just sat down quietly enough but then I felt someone grabbing my hips pulling me back. I landed on top of Oli, my face hovering over his, him staring into my eyes with those gorgeous brown of his. "You stole my t-Shirt again", he whispered. I smiled. "Yours are more comfortable", I shrugged. He mumbled a quiet "wha'evah" before pecking my lips and letting me get comfortable on top of him. "Wha' are you doin here, Dom?", he asked. "This is my bedroom?", I said, knowing damn well that wasn't what he meant. I could feel his eyes staring at me. "Alright... don't kill me, geez. I've got insomnia. I can't sleep without having drinks or sex. But that first night we shared the bed together I fell asleep. I felt safe with you. Safe enough to let myself off guard and fall asleep. You're comforting for me", I explained. "Wha' a shame, I thought I had to raw-dog you now", he whispered, referring to what Tom said the first time he was here. I slapped his arm, but blushed. "After our first date, sure", I whispered back. We then laid in silence for a bit. "Am I really comforting for you?", he suddenly asked. "Yes. Very. Like, your proximity is my safe space", I said. I looked at him. He was smiling like and idiot. I rolled my eyes before snuggling my face into his chest. And that's when I finally fell asleep.

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