That night with Peter ran rapid in your mind. Upon returning home, you could only feel that soft kiss he placed on your forehead linger. How his large hands held you with such care felt like something that was nothing but a dream.
It was hard to deny your growing affections toward Peter.
Most of the time you'd sit on your couch eyeing over the box of tools that sat tucked away by your entertainment center. He'd pop by every so often, using his promise from a good month ago as an excuse to see you. He was pretty vocal about that, about you. Yet that expression he'd shown up on stage that night didn't leave your mind as quickly. You still felt as if something was wrong. You believed him when he spoke about his stage fright, however, that fear looked to be too deep to be simply performance jitters. How bad you wanted to bring it up but you hadn't wanted to break his focus on the big project that was your apartment.
"Well, that's the last bit of insulation,'' Peter popped in, squeezing himself through the doorway, tools in hand. ''I also got those holes covered up too in your walls in the bathroom.''
''I really appreciate you doing all of this for me. It's starting to look more home-y in here.'' You commented and hopped up from the couch and decided to get him a drink from your fridge. His eyes follow you and he smiles a bit to himself, sitting down at the kitchen table.
The apartment you were once alienated and disconnected to was now finally growing on you. Soft overhead lights now flooded each room, emitting a warm and cozy glow. No longer did wild electrical wire threaten to electrocute you or smoke stain your ceilings. You had even found some new furniture to bring the place more to life. It felt like this place was yours and it was all thanks to Peter.
You hand him a cold tall glass of water.
''Bet you're parched. Time you got here was eight in the morning and you haven't stopped working much.'' You sit across from him as he partakes in his beverage. It was now nearing five in the afternoon and you admired his overall work ethic but sometimes you simply worried.
He checks his watch and his brows flick up at the realization.
''You're right,'' He looks up from his Casio watch to you, ''but I don't mind it, really. Just want you comfortable and all.''
''Thank you,'' you say, feeling like a broken record by all the thanks you throw at him, ''it means a lot to me.''
''I know. That's why I do it.'' Peter replies without missing a beat. He then looks around and you write it off as him admiring his own handiwork. His eyes set on the piles of paperwork on the counter and you follow his gaze.
''Ah, paperwork from my job.''
''They're really piling it on you, huh?''
You shrug it off, "I guess they are. What job doesn't do that to you?''
Peter shifts his body in the seat across from you. He takes another drink of water and gently sets the glass down on the table. "You're not wrong. Never thought the line of work to be so much paperwork though.''
"Neither did I.'' you replied, feeling a little disappointed that it was paperwork, that the people who were working at the place you were so excited to be in were absolute assholes. Reality had to hit you sooner, right?
You were truly mistaken.
Peter found his way to reach over the wooden table and caress your face softly. It was a touch you were still getting used to but that had only been the beginning. His expression was soft and yet still looked at you with intentions now that we're clear as day. Suddenly, you were in your room and there he was, below you, bare chested and grinning like the Cheshire Cat. Just moments ago, you were clothed and now that was just one of many things that were revealed to you and revealing to him.

CAPTURED BEAUTY (Peter Steele x Reader)
FanfictionYou've lived in the quiet Midwest your whole life until your photography career beckoned you to the city. You traveled just over a thousand miles over to Brooklyn, New York with the idea that your career and everything else following would be a drea...