ELEVEN: On The Road

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Peter was furious.

Furious was one word that teetered just at the brink of lividity. The giant had awoken the beloved borough of New York with his screaming engine and burning dioxide. Tearing through each corner and screeching a few mere miles out of town, he arrived at his first destination in the late hours of night.

He huffed and puffed before momentarily gaining a modicum of composure before bee-lining to his ex-girlfriends front door.


Peter's knuckles slammed into the oak door and the sound reverberated throughout the house. The haunting echo is soon followed by the lattice tugging open. A shocked Elizabeth is on the side and before any meep of defenses passes through her thin lips Peter is quick to take the reins.

"You stay the hell away from Y/n.'' Peter snarls and Elizabeth shrinks at the sudden arrival.

"What are you-?''

"Don't fuck with me, Elizabeth,'' Peter barked and huffed, "I know what you did and I'm here to tell you to knock it off and keep your distance.''

His words of warning hang heavily in the air and for a brief moment in passing, you could hear a pin drop from how deafening the silence was.

"You're not threatening me, are you?'' She asks slowly and her eyes scan Peter's deep scowl.

"I will call the cops again,'' she adds and takes a small step in her home, "You know I will.''

Naturally, Peter looked imposing but the aura of his rising anger drew him in an intimidating light. It slowly pushes Liz over the threshold of the entryway inside. He watched her with a hardened gaze and scoffed.

"I'm not. I'm telling you to stay out of my life, away from my girl. You've put yourself in this mess and you're lucky I didn't call them myself.''

He then turns on his heel, boot scraping against the concrete.

Peter squeezes himself in the idle car as deep contempt sunk into his very bones by just the sight of this neighborhood. It's a place he wants to essentially burn down but such destructive thought is interrupted by a clacking on his car window. Muffled yelling is heard and Peter is forced to turn his head at the disturbance.

"Hey jagoff! Get outta the fuckin' car! You got a problem, huh?'' An unfamiliar man's voice bellows from the other side of the closed car door. Peter's educated guess is that the man is presumably Elizabeth's new boyfriend. He groans.


Peter pushes the door open and ducks out of the driver's seat to stand straight up. His glare is sharp enough to cut someone and his chest puffs out when he fills his frame with air.

"Yeah, I do.'' Pete's voice rumbles with intensity as he looms over the other. It was clear he hadn't taken Peter's stature into account and his eyes widened slightly.

One hefty stride forward and Peter pushes him back without any physical contact.

"Keep yourself in check or else you're gonna have one big hospital bill to pay, buddy. Don't touch my fuckin' car and tell your girl to stay away from mine. Got it?''

The words slice through the air and from the corner of his sight Peter caught bouncing fiery red curls bursting out of the abode. A few bystanders peeked from their windows to prod in the public kerfuffle. This was getting out of control and knowing some past history it would be best if it hadn't repeated itself.

Elizabeth and the cowering boyfriend latch onto each other, hopeless and pretty frightened by the whole ordeal alone.

Without lingering for too long, Peter gets in the car and slams the driver door shut. It's an effortless turn around when The Beast peels out and makes a speedy exit out of the neighborhood.

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