💌A Valentine's Day Special!💌

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The warm whistling wind of February awakens you from a nice, peaceful slumber. The puffy comforters sink you further into your warm bed and upon rolling on your side, a void remains. The bed dips into a deep valley and pressing your palm on the pillow, it's cold from any body heat.

Your gaze scans around the room to find no trace of your beloved boyfriend, Peter. His larger than life existence leaves the house eerily quiet and it stirs you out of your shared bed. A folded note beckons you further to the vanity he ever-so-lovingly crafted for you. When you opened up the small piece of paper, it read:

My Love,

I've gone out to do errands and will be back around noon. Please take care and enjoy yourself. There are a few surprises laid about the house all for selfcare. I've even made you breakfast and snacks. There are reservations for a nice dinner tonight also. 7 PM.

Where whatever your heart desires. (would love to see that one dress. You know which I'm talking about. ;) )

I hope all is to your liking, sweetheart.


A soft smile graces upon your lips as you set down the paper and headed to the kitchen. There was a small array of fruits and favorite foods neatly packed. You assumed it was to protect the foods from the cats which curled around the display like furry sharks.

One by one you had placed them down on the floor and slowly ate away at some of the food. You always spaced out that Peter could cook. It wasn't anything beyond fancy or anything but it was the thought that counted.

Throughout the morning, you were greeted with one gift after another. There was brand new soaps, loungewear and even your favorite candies.

That's when it clicked that you had to do something in return.

Peter was a giver. That was something that evidently shined through his character. His love had no bounds yet leaped above and beyond for those tucked neatly in his heart. Dozens of roses shined in such expressions; a tag with your name written on it. Meticulously placed in the center of the coffee table next to the flora was a brand new pair of earrings.

They were sparkling as you lifted them up and noticed they were your birthstone. The sentiment made you nearly cry.

That was when you were ready to seize the day and were determined to have some sort of give waiting for Peter.

It wasn't to say that you didn't have a gift for him and weren't planning to give him anything. You knew he was a simple man. He loved his work boots to the point the rubbery soles were torn from the very threads that held them together. Pairs and pairs of olive green t-shirts stretched from his ever changing body weight; widening the short sleeves and neck line.

You were too stubborn to have stayed confined in your shared apartment as he was tying loose ends for your shared day.

Brooklyn, NY was celebrating Valentine's day loudly with small parades and pop up vendors downtown. You weasled through the promotions of 'The best thing to give to your loved one!' and over expensive chocolates wrapped in heart shaped boxes. You were smart enough to have written a small list of things Peter had talked about throughout the last couple weeks. They were sprinkled throughout small conversations you shared deep into the night or early in the morning over your preferred drinks.

You were finally able to find the clothing store Peter frequently visited. Well, it was the only store that had comfortably tailored clothes his size. Four new olive green shirts were purchased and folded neatly in a plastic bag. The next stop was a small compartment store that had these very specific military styled plates. They all had compartments for foods to keep them nice and separated. He hated his food mashing together.

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