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Welcome readers....

Tonight the children of Gavaldon writhed in their beds,plagued with anxiety.

If the School Master took them,they'd never return.Never lead a full life.Never see their families again.

Tonight these children dreamt of a red eyed their with the body of a beast,to come and tear them from their comfy beds and silence their screams.

Not Eleanor tho.

No,instead the young girl dreamt of...swans?

One the purest of whites,the other as black as tar.The swans did nothing but stare at the girl,causing her to shuffle uncomfortably as she stared back into their beady,black-empty eyes.

"Hello?" She called out,softly to avoid startling the pair.
As if finally seeing the young ravenette,the Darker swan suddenly flared up its wings,before hissing at the now concerned girl.

Eleanor slowly lifted up both of her hands,waving them slightly in hopes to calm the unnerved bird.

"Woah there buddy...it's okay." The young girl tried to reassure quickly,but calmly.

The swan lowered its wings slightly before it looked at its lighter twin unsure.
The white swan stood from it's previously sat position, and carefully inched closer to the girl,letting out a small squeak.

Slowly the crystal eyed child crouched,and offered her hand to the delicate bird,she lightly pet it's soft feathers.
"There see,I'm not gonna hurt you sweetheart." She whispered with a small gentle smile.

The white swan happily nuzzled into the girls soft palm and let out a few content chirps,causing Eleanor to let out  a small giggle.
"You are quite lovely aren't you?" She smiled,only for it to drop when an ear-peircing shriek echoed.

Both her and the white swan snapped their heads towards the ebony bird.
The dark swan stood tall before the pair,before it glared directly at its lighter twin,eyes glazed with unreadable emotion.

The white swan let out a distressed squeak,cowering slightly at the sight.

The ravenette girl gasped as the Darker twin suddenly, charged at the other as it let out a series of angry cries, that blended with scared ones.

The girl screamed at the black bird as it lifted a singular claw at the cowering one,ready to strike.

Eleanor suddenly,shoved the scared creature behind her protectively,before holding up an arm as she winced ,prepared for the attack....

Only it never came.
Confused the blue eyed girl hesitantly reopened her eyes as she slightly lowered her arms.

The young girls breath hitched at the sight of,both swans sat in the exact unmoving position as before,only both sets of eyes seemed..softer?
as they looked at the girl with a look of what only could be described as...


before Both of the birds exploded into a flurry of black and white feathers.The girl yelped in surprise and she landed harshly on her backside.


Eleanor jolted awake with a distressed expression as she whipped her head around in a alarm,only to be greeted by the familier box room of the small shack on 'Angel Island' as the girl liked to call it.

In reality 'Angel Island' was really just a grave yard on a hill the was placed at the outskirts of Gavaldon.

However the girl never saw it that way,
She never saw the tomb ridden land that surrounded her home as, somewhere the dead came back to haunt,after being taken off their families hands and buried six feet under,like the other village folk.

-Fallen-  Tedros PendragonWhere stories live. Discover now