Dreams, Photos, and Pins

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2 brothers stood in front of each other. There was an oldest and a youngest. "West, you can't continue this! You know what Vater will say!". The youngest told the oldest. "Its not like he'll figure it out! He probably won't even know it even happened". The oldest assured the youngest shortly before walking away, Leaving the youngest alone. "Why can't you see how dangerous this is?". The youngest one put his hands on his face and looked down before a flash of light ended the dream.


Germany sat up from his bed. What was that dream?. He checked the time. "Four AM?". Germany looked around. It was the first time he remembered a dream clearly and it stuck in his head, Had this happened before? It felt so similar. He stretched for a while before remembering what Austria had gotten from Britain. "Oh right, that box of antiques". Germany got up and headed down stairs. "Oh hey". Germany turned to the kitchen and found Austria drinking a cup of coffee. "You're up this early?". "Guess I am but why are you up early?". Austria placed the cup back on the counter, placing his hand beside it. "I felt like it"

Germany took to box laying on the table, He took the lid off seeing dusty dishes, clocks, and some picture album  "Dam, how old is this box?" He asked. Austria sighed. "Britain handed this to me, wondering if I could trace back when these were made, though it was weird how he mentioned for me to not show it to you but its only antiques"

Once after most of the dust was out. Germany took a picture from the album looking at the black and white photos of a family, a personification family as it seems. "Who would give up photos like these? Did the last person of this family die or donated this?". Austria came near the box and took another photo "Aw, Its you as a toddler". Germany hid his face from embarrassment, but he grew curious, the only memories of his childhood were of his toddler years. Austria took another photo from the album, comparing it to the photo he previously took out first "You had a little brother too? What happened to him? How come you never talked about him nor your father?"

Germany stopped, he didn't recall of having a brother at all neither did he remember his father. "Can I see that for a moment?" Austria nodded as he handed the 2 photos to Germany before searching through the other antiques. looking at the photograph, Germany felt something was missing, the 1st photo was just him as a toddler but the 2nd was a family photo, but there was 3 people surrounding him that he had 0 memory of. Or so he thought. "Did something happen between you and your family or what?" Austria asked. Germany looked back at Austria placing the photographs back in the album. "I don't know" Germany responded "I don't know these people, its like they just popped into this photo"

Austria took his coffee cup again and took a sip of the coffee. "Well? Do you remember what happened to them at least?". Silence commenced in the kitchen, the droplets of the sink echoed through Germany's mind, He didn't remember much at all. He only remembered being taken in by Netherland after his toddler years when he was 13. Austria knew what the silence meant, He knew how Germany would go silent during certain points whether he knew why or not. "I'll go back to sleep, I suggest you do so too". Germany nodded before he closed the box.

Germany went over to fully shut the sink's water until he heard a certain ringing.

Germany looked back at the box as the ringing continued, The ringing was in a strange melody rather than a simple note. Something was strange out there, why couldn't he remember anything between his toddler and teen years? Germany shook his head in a quick manner, He thought it wouldn't silence the ringing but it did. He had an idea, thinking the photographs in the album could be the answer to his memory gap. He opened the box and took out the album, taking out a handful of the photographs stored there. Hoping that at least one of them had a clue or two. 

An hour passed investigating the photographs, the album had three-fourths of it gone, scattered around the counter. Germany began to fall to fatigue by the work. Many of the photographs had no clues at all, no connections at all. Germany began to doubt whether or not to continue until he pulled out another family photo. Looking at the bottom where he would be with someone around his age did he notice the pin the kid near him in the photo had. An intricate brass outlined simple blue forget-me-not flower. The same one he had, the one he didn't know the origins of.

Germany quickly assorted the photos except the flower pin photo back in the album before he dashed to his room, he made sure he didn't make much noise to not bother Austria's slumber. He looked through the top cabinet, he was sure the pin was there. He scavenged through the cabinet before he found a small leather box, where he stored the pin. He grabbed it and opened it, quickly making his way back downstairs to the kitchen. and compared the two pins. They didn't contrast in anyway, Germany yawned , He knew he needed to catch up with his rest soon but there was more to the pin that he needed to know about but he dozed off as he found the engraved initials on the back of the pin.


2 kids sat together on a bench in the middle of a park. The oldest of the 2 sighed as they swung their legs back and forth. "Has Vater always been this late?". The youngest was too busy meddling with the gift they got from their father. "We could just go home, we know our way don't we?". The oldest looked at the youngest as they stopped swinging their legs "Tell me, Do we have the key right now?". The youngest shook their head as the oldest tilted their head while looking at them. The oldest noticed the youngest's pin. "Did Vater give you that?". The youngest nodded and pointed at the back with initials. "Vater gave it to me with my initials engraved in it, I hope you get to have one too so we could match". The oldest sat back and looked up. "Maybe, Just maybe"

It was a warm day, the two have not been aware of the broadcasts as the plazas and walkways have been empty except for some officers of course, It was a nice day, the two took in how well the day was as the silence commenced until the eldest spotted a fleet of planes flying by. The eldest commented on the fleet "Are they training the aviators again?" but something was wrong, the fleet wasn't of the fatherland as they noticed, then blaring sirens made them jump when something fell from one of the planes, where it ended as a building exploded.


Germany gasped for air once he woke up, he looked around in a quick manner until he spotted the pin in his hand. His dreams had never been like that before, the dream itself disturbed Germany as the thought that it meant something shook him more. He began to think that he'd fall into a rabbit hole if he tried more but none of it answered anything. "What is behind my memory gap?" Austria opened the front door heading in and turning around to shut the door and lock it. "Oh your awake now, I was going to wake you up but I had to do an errand". Germany placed the brass pin back in the leather box as he excused himself from the kitchen heading back upstairs to his room. Austria went halfway up the stairs to say something to Germany "Hey Ger? I need you to pick up something from Netherland, Think you can do it?"

Germany placed the leather box but he grew a sudden need to wear it, He thought for a moment. Maybe for just this day, it wouldn't hurt he thought, He put on a cloth jacket and pinned the brass pin on the side of the jacket. "I can get that thing for you Austria, It'd be nice to check up on Netherland"


I rewrote this chapter so now its longer and has a different name now to fit with the plot, and yes i am going to revise and edit the other chapters to try and make the plot more stable. and better establish the side stories.


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