A little Wanderer

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Germany sat on a bench in a courtyard, looking up at the sky. France walked out from an exit point and towards the bench Germany was on. "Do you miss him already? He's not gone yet". Germany looked at France. "What do you mean? Who are you talking about?". France looked away, hiding her smirk. "Nothing, just a question". France excused herself after she handed Germany a form. Germany looked at the form, It was one of those informative flyers again. Germany sighed, he didn't know why France or UK would always hand them flyers about stuff he didn't care about. He went through the pocket of the coat he had on and took out a brass pin, He wondered who it belonged to, wondering if they wanted it to be returned or not.

But he started to think about who it belonged to, was it a parent? Why did everyone else remember their parents but he didn't? Germany shook it out of his mind, he could probably ask someone about it, He looked around and spotted Belgium. Germany thought he had some answers as he walked up to Belgium leaning on a pole. "What do you want?" Belgium asked. Germany cleared his throat "Do you recall me having any parents? Maybe a father?" Belgium froze and looked at Germany. Belgium gave Germany a stern face "There is nothing you need to know, Your father was a monster that's it, and you probably will be one like him too". 

Germany tilted his head "A Monster?". Belgium scoffed "You act pretty childish for 13". Germany frowned "Now how am I childish?". "I take it back just don't go around me annoying me on that comment" Belgium looked at the pin in Germany's hand shortly after he said that. "What is that in your hand?". Germany looked down and looked more closely at the pin. "I don't really know, there's initials on the back but I don't know who it belongs to". Belgium squinted at the pin, trying to get a clear look at it. "Where'd you find that?". Germany shrugged. Belgium groaned before he checked his watch. "I think you should finish packing up no? You're about to go with Nether". Germany laughed a little before he walked away, later fast walking when he got past the doors into the buildings.

Belgium took out a lighter and looked at it, He wondered how he would use it if he did at all. He saw agents pass by him by the day. It was evening when Belgium bothered to get out of the building. He thought it'd be nice to pass by Netherland's house before he went home, after all, they were friends even during occupation no matter what sacrifices they made. Belgium took a stroll on the streets until he reached Netherlands house but something told him to pass by it, even if he intended to see Netherland. Maybe another day he thought. Had it been by fate?

I'll keep the short aspect of this story.

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