Nonsense Locked Reminisces

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-Dreams 1949-

In an apartment courtyard. A boy, With a flower pin on his old worn-out trench coat, And worn out winter boots was playing in the snow as his flat cap fell off his head, Someone was laughing and wearing the same attire. "Wow, ᏋᏗᏕᏖ you act like you haven't seen snow in years!". The boy stopped playing and looked at the person. "ᏇᏋᏕᏖ, I'm just glad to see it, They have not been kind to us since Vater did...whatever he did". "Look East, He wasn't the best father out there, He probably did something so horrid, so messed up". The two brothers then sparked a throwback conversation about their lives before 1945, the ups and the downs. 2 agents then walked up to them. The youngest noticed the agents first. "ᏇᏋᏕᏖ who are they?". The oldest turned around, seeing the 2 agents before his eyes. 

"We're here for ᏇᏋᏕᏖ Reich" The tall, older agent said.

"What do you want from me? Some words about my Vater?". The agent whispered to the other agent, But they didn't know the youngest could hear them. "ᏇᏋᏕᏖ! They're gonna take you there!" The agents looked at the youngest with a death stare, Making the youngest almost shake in fear. "What do you mean you'll take me there!?" The eldest screamed. The younger agent looked at the older one and nodded, The young agent sped through knocking down the eldest brother and took the youngest arms and put on such force that it could've broken the youngest's arms. "Ack! ᏇᏋᏕᏖ! Watch out!" There was barely a reaction time before the older agent took the eldest by his trench coat and dragged him away. The youngest sparked tears begging for them to stop. "Please! I can't lose my brother! Please!". The eldest tried to get out of the agent's grip, He wasn't strong enough, the only thing he could do was reach his hand out to his younger brother and yell his name before he was shoved into a truck.

-Present day-

Germany shoved himself up, gasping for air. What was that dream? He couldn't figure it out. He checked the time, 4 AM. He had 3 hours before he headed to his career again. Figuring it would be best to at least get more sleep he laid back hoping to sleep once again. But minutes went by and Germany couldn't go back to sleep. He groaned. "Is this what I get for day dreaming?" He mumbled. He got up, Opening his door and heading to the staircase, Heading down slowly as he didn't want to fall down the stairs again. As he turned on the lights of the kitchen, he squinted his eyes from the brightness of the light. "Shiesse, why is the lights so god darn bright". Germany walked to the coffee machine, got a cup and while he was re-adding the filter, Someone came down the steps. When he turned around, "Why are you up AT 4 AM!?" Austria yelled, making Germany fall down and almost knock the coffee machine down. "Jeez, Austria can you no-?" He mumbled but was still cut off by Austria. "Well I don't know, maybe because I FRICKIN HEARD YOU LOUD ENOUGH TO WAKE ME UP". Germany got confused, He didn't shout or anything so how did Austria hear him?

Germany sighed but then he felt light headed all of a sudden. "Yeah, yeah, I think my sleep is yelling at me to finish it". Austria groaned and headed back upstairs. Germany sighed and sat down, laying his head on the counter before he fell asleep.


Germany woke up, finding himself on a chair in front of a table in a dimly lit room. "So, Do you understand why you are here" a person spoke from the other side of the table. "No! Just let me leave! I can't leave ᏋᏗᏕᏖ all alone!" Germany wanted to cover his mouth but it was like his body was not his anymore. "Listen, you intended to rebel against your father's ideals he got from his leader but you ended up doing damage to France and the allies too, And since we can't let this happen. We're going to run an experiment on you". "I won't do it you old hag! Look i fixed my ways so why won't you just let me go". After the person got up and slammed his hands on the table could Germany see that it was Britain. "Listen to me kraut, Either you take this or I'll make you and your little timid brother a session of the real world". Germany could feel himself tense up, "What do you mean by that". "I propose a deal, Either take the offer that allows us to experiment on your or you'll be on watch, or finished off alone with your brother.".

"No, no, Why are you doing this!? I thought that after the time you gave me and ᏋᏗᏕᏖ in there that you would let us live peacefully!". Britain laughed. "Peacefully? Ha! Listen here, your family was always problematic and that time? It was used to discuss about who would be left alone and who would forget". "Forget?". Germany felt himself getting up and trying to leave the room. "Rest tight little german". Then he felt himself falling down from a searing pain.


Germany screamed as he got up. Austria tuned in. "Deustch let me sleep!!". Germany looked at Austria. These dreams...Why do they always end like that? like a lost memory He thought before he saw the time, 7 AM. he had to get ready but he wondered why Britain was in it, He decided he would ask him later when he got to work. Germany didn't think much of that decision, afterall if could all just be debunked, Germany went to his room and looked down, seeing the brass pin. "Oh, Guess I'll bring this, Britain wouldn't think much of it"


the end

Words: 981

I may or may not have to rewrite this entire thing but I'm still giving it chances


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