Chasing & Hints

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Germany was at his desk, Chilling as he had done his work. Even though he felt his work needed more details or taste, He just stayed there staring at the documents. A co-worker walked up to him. "Mr, Britain wants to talk to you," They said. Germany sat up straight. That was weird since he was planning to visit Britain at the end of the day to talk to him. He got up and walked past other offices until he reached UK's office. He stopped for a moment once he was about to enter. What was UK going to talk to him about? A man came up to him. "Hey, Is UK going to talk to you?". Germany was surprised but he nodded anyway. "Yeah, he told other people to come, Including me". Germany was relieved, He thought that UK somehow knew about the crazy dreams or visions he was having. "I didn't know" he responded at last. Then other people came. 

UK opened the door and greeted the people one by one, Then he greeted Germany into the room. "You all are going to have different or slightly different shifts to accommodate the newcomers". Everyone clamored until UK settled them down. He stood up and passed the cards with their new shifts to everyone. "Sir, Can we talk after this? In private" Germany asked once UK gave him his card. "Maybe, depends what happens and if this day doesn't become a wreck". Germany nodded and stayed in UK's office and waited for everyone to leave. Once everyone did. UK sat down. "So what do you want to talk to me about Mr, Germany?". Germany took a deep breath before gathering his courage. "I've been having these weird dreams lately, About a pair of brothers". UK then stayed silent for a bit, with a face that told Germany that UK was thinking about it. "Well can you summarize those dreams?". Germany remembered every speck of the dreams for some reason so he had no problem summarizing them. UK then seemed distressed about what Germany had told him. "Meet me at 6 o' clock this evening, I have to talk with uh my group about it". "Alright UK". Germany stood up and headed for the door. Until he stopped, his guts told him to stop. He turned around and saw UK pointing something like a gun at him.

"What the hell!?" Germany then stepped back. "You still remember don't you West Reich?". "What do you mean!?". "If the experiment went smoothly this wouldn't have happened! You still remember". Just as UK was going to pull the trigger, France opened the door. "Hey englishman- what the hell" France stood there staring at UK and Germany while they looked at her making a awkward moment. "France,its a 1-5!". France then looked at Germany. "Uh bye!" Germany ran before UK pushed the trigger and shoved France. "Get him!". Germany ran and ran. He got out his phone and tried to contact Austria. "Pick up! Pick up! Pick up!" But then he felt lightheaded again. Germany didn't want to stop running but then when he peered behind himself he saw that France and UK was chasing him with some of the security. But then Austria finally picked up the phone. "Ger, What do you need?". "I NEED YOU TO HELP ME! FRANCE AND UK WENT CRAZY AND THEY'RE CHASING ME!!". "Alright Alright! I'll try to go to help you". Germany was relieved but the he felt like he was about to black out. He frantically looked at the rooms but the he saw an elevator closing. He picked up his speed and got in before it would close on him. Thats where he blacked out leaving everyone in the elevator dumbfounded for a bit.


Germany opened his eyes halfway, he was laying face down on snow. He weakly got up and looked around. He was laying in what looked like the entrance of a small hospital. He looked down and realized he was wearing the same clothes as the eldest brother in one of his dreams. He looked around trying to find out where he was until the collar of the trench coat he was wearing was pulled behind him. "There's the kraut" It sounded like britain who said that. He looked back and he was right. He wanted to refuse and get away but he couldn't, It was that feeling again. He was pulled into the hospital's basement. "NEIN! Bitte!" His mouth yelled. Germany felt tears stream down his face. He was then strapped into a chair as his body was begging for the "allies" to let him go. Then his head throbbed. But then he screamed in pain as pain erupted throughout his head, As if melting metal was placed on it. Then he felt like something was put inside his brain and when he blinked he was standing behind France, Britain, USSR, and America. He looked at the chair and saw the eldest sitting there with the back of his head bleeding. Germany realized how the eldest looked like he was around the age of 13 turning 14, Germany remembered how he could only remember one day of his childhood before suddenly waking up 13. He then watched on how the boy was stitched up and bandaged. Bandaged the same way as how Germany remembered waking up. "Throw him out, let someone find him. Now we will have no problem executing East Reich". Germany then remembered, The pin. It was the same exact pin the younger one had. Before he solved the mystery, He woke up.

-Present day-

Germany woke up and looked around, He was in Austria's car. "What?". "Someone brought you to me and how those people got into cars, of course i had to borrow a car, Driving it is a bit hard though". "What do you mean hard". "I mean I have no idea how to drive this type of car". "And your speeding". Austria looked back at Germany, "Sure am to outrun them or is it outdrive". "OSTERREICH THE CAR-"

Words: 1009

Published: September 24th 2023

yes driving cliffhanger


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