King/Harlequin x Margaret part 2

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Margaret P.O.V

My little sister and the seven deadly sins were all confused, I laugh about it and Veronica tell me that we should probably tell them about why he is in the castel.

"So he was here the whole time and you didn't tell me ?!" Say Elizabeth a bit angry.

"How could we know that you were going to leave to go look for them ?" Said Veronica and I nodded.

"They have a point." Said a man with pink hair.

"Shut up Gowther." Said Ban. "But seriously why is he here ?" 

"Well..." start Veronica, I just leave to go join my boyfriend, when I enter the room he was looking at the window, he was adorable in this pyjama. He turn around to see me and ask me to sit next to him. I did as he say and when I did so he let his head fall on my laps.

"Now you aren't leaving, you let me sleep !" He said making himself confortable, I take him in my arms and made us lay on the bed.

"You're a real sleepy head you know." I said teasing him.

"And your my pillow..." He said half asleep, I laugh a bit and put his head on my chest.

"Good nap love." I said before closing my eyes and letting myself rest for a moment.

Veronica P.O.V

I really don't know how to explain to them, when I look at Margaret she was already gone.

-This bitch- I though, I look at my little sister and the 7DS who were waithing for explaination. I sigh and start to explain to them.

"Well so 'King' never leave the castel because when Zaratras died he was with us so we could innocent him but not any of you." I start.

"Then why is he so close to princess Margaret ?" Ask Merlin, I look away dor a moment before starting to giggle and sigh after.

"That's because they are dating for 2 years now..." I said, everyine froze after I say this, Elizabeth was shoked and Meliodas didn't belive his ears, Diane look sad but she quickly change her sadness to a sad smile. 

"Atleast he's happy." She whipser but I could hear her, I knew she had feelings for him but atleast she doesn't try to break their relation to have him for herslef. Ban was so chocked that he fall and Escanor was choked too. Gowther was as shock as Escanor. Merlin just look away with a 'I knew it' look.

"And You guys didn't tell me ?!" Said Elizabeth.

"We didn't know how you would react..." I said looking away a hand behind my head.

"Wathever." Said Ban.

I sigh and want to their room to see if Margaret was here or not, when I enter I see Margaret who was half asleep playing with Harlequin hair and Harlequin who was asleep on her chest.

"He's a real sleepy head." I said to Margaret, she look at me and nodded. 

"But a cute one." She said giggling a bit, she put a hand on Harlequin check, he made a little sound and move a bit. That made my big sister giggle even more.

"I'm going to leave you two alone." 

"Thank you." Said Margaret, I close the door and want to go sheck on my father, he was a little sick lately so I wanted to see if he was a bit better atleast. Is room wasn't far from mine and mine wasn't far from Margaret and Harlequin room.

"Hello father how are you ?" I say looking at him, he look at me and smile.

"Hello dear, I'm fine what about you ?" 

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