King x Merlin

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TW: little spicy

The one shot is VERY short !

"Merlin where are you ?" King look around Merlin lab and was finally able to find her, the captain had ask the sin of sloth to ask something to the mage. He approche Merlin quietly not wanting to disturbe her in her work nor anything. After a little while the mage finally notice the fairy boy and she sigh looking toward him.

"What do you need King ?" She ask looking at the boy directly in the eyes. The boy was a bit nervous about it and look away blushing. "Th-the captain want to see you..." He said in a little shy tone, he was way too anxious to look at the girl in the eyes. Merlin had a little smile on her face as she approche the little fairy king and put a hand on his cheek.

"And, you also have something to ask me right~?" She said in a teasing voice, King blush harder and become completly red. "I-I uh..." He was too embarassed to speak nor do anything, all he could do was hide himself behind his pillow while Merlin giggle a little. She pat the little fairy hair and she smile at him before leaving to go see the captain. King just wait for Merlin to come back.

Some time pass and King was still waiting for Merlin to come back, but he knew it would take a while so that's why he just look around the lab to see what she was working on. King look at all the potions and thing that Merlin had in her lab and look at them with passion and he looked very curious about it, he understand now why did Merlin spend a lot of time in her lab.

Experiment were very intriguing and interesting but at the same time it could be very scary. King continue to look around for a moment before feeling a strange presence next to him, he look next to him and see that Merlin was looking at him with a little smirk. "You are curious aren't you ?" She ask looking at him in the eyes. He try to look away but Merlin didn't let him.

"Answer my question." She said in a little teasing tone, he just nodded at Merlin question and ask if he could go, Merlin look at the little fairy king with a smirk on her face. "Not before you let me do 'something' with you~" King was a little confuse at first but when Merlin pull him closer and began to kiss him with passion he understand what she wanted.

He look away being very embarassed and blushing very hard. He was blushing so much that he was even reder then a tomato. Merlin approche her lips to his ear and whisper something in it. 
The fairy king blush harder and couldn't even move anymore, he was shaking a little and very stress about it, Merlin, her, didn't stop and continue to kiss him.

"Hey Merlin I-" Meliodas had enter the room and look at the both of them. King was so much embarassed that he hide himself in Merlin chest without even noticing. Merlin just giggle a little while looking at the captain. "Will you let us have some 'alone time' please captain ?" Meliodas just nodded and went out of the lab. 

Meliodas went back to the Board Hat and went to Ban. "You own me a bottle Ban." Ban sigh. "Really ?" He looked a bit annoyed but in a teasing way. "Come here captain we'll do a drinking contest~" Meliodas look at Ban with a smile. "Sound fun !"

King/Harlequin one shotWhere stories live. Discover now