Is that you...? part 1

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TW: Gore, cannibalism, death

Everything was fine, everything was peaceful, well that's what everyone though at that time, ever since the seven deadly sins got separated some villagers have gone missing and some were even find dead. There was a rumor that there would be someone roaming in the forest close to the village of Tala, who was waiting for people to come to attack them.


Was the sound some people heard in the forest, they would tell it was the voice of a boy and that he must be pretty young. But no one have seen him, at least no one that was still alive. When people would hear that sound they would run as far as they could, but sometime it wasn't enough. They had found the body with missing body part and what seems like bite mark and piece of flesh were often missing. Which could tell that that person was most likely a cannibal. 

"Do you believe in this ?" Ban asked his captain Meliodas, he though for a moment before looking back at Ban with a smirk. "We can't know if we hadn't seen it ourselves right ?" Ban grin, Elizabeth looked a little scared. "Are you...are you sure we should go ?" She asked not sure of herself. "If this person is a cannibal what are we gonna do ?" She was afraid but didn't want to admit it, not wanting to seem weak. "Don't worry Elizabeth everything will be alright !" Meliodas reassure her, "Plus we're here for you in case alright ?" Diane said from the tavern window.

"Alright guys..." She said with a faint smile. 

That's when they start to go toward that forest to see if all the rumors were true or not. A lot of people where telling the same things, some other would add thing like 'it's not only in this forest' or other thing like 'he only attack men' other would say 'he attack everyone' so they would get different information not knowing which one are true and which one are false. Meliodas sigh and look at the members of his group, they looked annoyed as much as him.

"We got as much information as possible, let's go now shall we ?" Asked Ban a little exited, he was maybe a bit too much exited for the other but Meliodas didn't mind that much. He nodded and look at everyone that was there. "Ban is right, we should go now." Ban smirk and Diane yawn. "We look at information everywhere ! Can we rest now ? It was sooooo tiring !" Diane whinned. Meliodas sigh and look at Elizabeth, she looked like she was agreeing with Diane. "Alright we'll take a break !" He said with a smile.

??? P.O.V


That's all my stomach could tell me, he was screaming how hungry he was...

It make me go insane all the time...I just want it to stop...

I spot something moving not that far from where I was....

"Hungry.." I mumble and walk toward the black silhouette. It was...A little girl playing with another little boy, they looked so happy..."Hungry..." I said again, this time a little louder, I see that they were looking at me a little confuse.  "Sir are you alright ?" They asked as they approach me. "Hungry..." I whispered again as I look at them.

I could feel my stomach yelling louder and louder as the second pass. I couldn't help myself anymore. I approach one of the kid, the little boy and put a hand on his shoulder before squizzing it a little. 

The more I approach him the more my stomach yell how hungry it was until I couldn't help myself any longer and I jump on the kid. He looked scared and try to scream but I put a hand on his mouth so that he would shut up, the little girl alsot tried to scream but I didn't let her, I turn my chastifol into little kunais and stab her with it. Not even a second after she was laying on the floor dead. Too bad I won't have fun with her then !

I look at the little boy under me and smirk as I look directly into his eyes that were full of fear. The eyes were one of my favorite part ! I caress his cheek gently going toward the eyes before ripping one of them. He start to cry and let out a muffle loud scream. That's when I knew that everything was going to be fun ! I took one of the kunai and start to open his stomach slowly so that he could feel the pain even more then if I would have done it in one swift motion.

I smirk hearing him trying to yell and scream for help but since I was covering his mouth he couldn't. After a short while he stopped screaming and I could tell that he was dead. I grin as I look at the eyes of the little boy that I had put next to me because I wanted to open his stomach. I took his eyes and put it in my mouth. I chew it slightly and swallow it. This really was my favorite part of my lunch. 

I could feel my stomach calming himself a VERY little ans asking for more. This time I would be able to have two lunch instead of one ! This was awesome !

3rd P.O.V

Meliodas, Elizabeth, Ban and Diane were all tired from everything and were either laying down on a bed or laying down on the grass. Diane was looking at the sky seeing that it was starting to get dark, she look at Meliodas from the tavern window.

"We should go look for tomorrow, going in a forest at night isn't very good." She said as she yawn slightly and close her eyes. "You're right we should !" Meliodas say closing his eyes and pulling Elizabeth closer to him. Ban smirked and left Meliodas and Elizabeth room to go to his own. 

The next morning we could hear the sound of someone knocking on the tavern door. Elizabeth was the first one to wake and go check out what it was. When she open the door she let out a high pitched scream. That woke up the rest of the people in the tavern and they all looked at what was happening for the 3rd princess of Liones to scream like that.

Diane was the first one to see what was happening, there was a bloody message in front of the door while a dead body was next to it, the blood text was saying "I've been waiting for you for a while, why only coming now ?" Elizabeth fall on the floor seeing who was the dead body. It was a little boy, he was half eaten and was missing an eye. 

Meliodas and Ban went down the stairs and saw what was happening, Meliodas directlty went to Elizabeth and told them that everything will be alright and that they will find whoever did that. 

"Maybe it's the boy everybody was talking about ?" Ban said, Meliodas look at him thinking for a moment before nodding his head. "You're right, but what did he meant by 'I've been waiting for you for a while' ?" Meliodas said questioning himself. "Do we know him ?" Diane asked. "Maybe we don't but he know you guys ?" Elizabeth said still trying not to looka t the dead body in front of her, she was trying her best not to throw up, which failed in the end.

"Ban, you, Diane and I will go to the forest, Hawk take care of Elizabeth understand ?" Hawk nodded and he take Elizabeth on his back before going up stairs.

"Let's go in that stupid forest, I don't want more victims in there !" Meliodas said yelling.

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