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Just a little thing I had in my head, what would happen if Elaine and King/Harlequin would have a fight in Necropolis which didn't end up well ?

TW: bad/toxic? sibling relation

King P.O.V

How could they enter but I couldn't...? It's not fair...not fair ! I've been trying for years ! How could they enter and I couldn't ?! How is it fair ??

<<Calm down Harlequin and let just get this over with...>> I though to myself as I follow them to be able to enter. At least now I was inside now and I could try to find Elaine ! And explain to her why I didn't come back sooner in the forest..that could be great ! I'm gonna try ! I just hope that she will listen to me and that she won't be mad...I hope that she'll understand too...

I follow Ban by behind even if I knew that he notice that I was there, behind him, but it seem like he didn't care. I just continue to follow him knowing that he was heading to Elaine. When we arrive we both saw Elaine, she directly went to hug Ban, she didn't wait a second for it. I just stand there looking at the both of them. When Elaine notice me she directly glare at me. I'm not surprise honestly I 'abandon' her for 700 years after all...

"Ban...can you leave us alone please..?" She ask looking at Ban, he nod and leave the both of us alone understanding this would be no one of his business. She went toward me and I knew that it mean something was wrong so I move and it was the right thing to do cause she tried to hit me. "Why did you leave me ?!" She yell at me with hatred in her eyes.

"That's why I'm here Elaine ! I want to explain mysel-" She cut me of by continuing to yell at me.

"Do you know how worried I was for god sake ?! DID YOU EVEN THOUGH ABOUT ME ?!" She continue to yell, I froze and went close to her. I stop right in front of her and slap her. She look at me shocked and I look at her with the same hatred she had look at me with.

"If YOU had really care about me...then why did no one went to look for ME when I went missing ? If you really cared, why don't you try to listen to why couldn't I come back for 700 years ? Go ahead, tell me !" I yell at her face. "IF YOU REALLY CARED ABOUT ME WHY DO YOU ACT LIKE YOU DON'T ! WHY DO YOU NEVER WANT ME TO LIVE MY LIFE AND JUST WANT ME TO DO MY JOB ! YOU HAVE A LIFE WELL I HAVE ONE TOO YOU KNOW !" I continue to yell at her. No words come out of her mouth anymore. She just look at me unable to say anything.

"If you really cared then why did you never say 'I love you brother' one time in your life..? The only thing you knew to said was 'can you stop being so lazy and actually do your job !' why...? Did you even care about me just once...?" I was crying now, the tears wouldn't stop coming out of my eyes. I just couldn't help myself.

Everything I wanted to say for so long had finally come out. And no one of us could take it. I turn my back on her and run away, she scream my name but I didn't bother looking behind me knowing that all I would see would be her guilty face. I was guilty too, we both made mistake in the past and that will always stay forever in our head, it would be like scars that will never go away. I continue to run and run I didn't even know were I was going. I was just running away from my problem, guess that was the only thing I knew to do.

I finally fall down on the ground, I broke down in tears, I didn't know what I was feeling inside. I was sad, guilty, angry, anxious, stressed. All of those feeling at the same time. All of the feeling I've been bottling up were coming back and coming out. When will it stop...?

"Brother !" I hear behind me, it was Elaine that had follow me. She hug me tightly by behind and was also crying. "I'm so sorry I'm sorry !" She apologies while hugging me tighter. "You may not have been the best brother but you would always make sure that I was alright and safe ! Yet I act horrible toward you too ! You made mistake and so did I ! And I'm willing to change and help you get better too ! Please ! Let me help you fix OUR mistakes..." She had some determination while saying that. I couldn't stop crying but I was still able to smile at it.

It remind me of how she was when she was a little kid.

"Bubba !" She yell out, I turn around and welcome my little sister in my arms. "When I'll get older I'm gonna be the best little sister ever !" She told me, I giggle.

"But you already are Elaine." I said giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"I know I am ! But you take care of me so much ! When I'll be older I'll be the one who will take care of you just wait and see !" She respond with such determination. I chuckle again.

"I'll see then." 

Elaine take me in her arms and let me cry my heart out, I was hiding in her neck as I was crying, screaming and punching the floor, all my emotions were coming out again and I couldn't stop them.

"Shh, let it all out." She said, she had calm down a little but I still wasn't, "It will be alright I promise..." she continue as she kiss my forehead. She then giggle as I was starting to calm down. "I told you that when I'll get older I'll take care of you didn't I ?" She say in a teasing tone. I smile back at her and cling into her dress.

"And you were right..." 

King/Harlequin one shotWhere stories live. Discover now