Chapter 34: Bricks POV

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I ran in front of Dexter and made a path. It was fucking hot. I didn't mind but Dexter and this chick must have been roasting! I tried my best to keep the flames away from us but occasionally we would have to make a mad dash through them. Dexters once white lab coat looked brown and singed at the bottom. I couldn't push back the flames much longer and we were having trouble finding the girl. I saw all the villains running around trying to find a way out so I did my best to absorb the flames then spread them in their direction. "How much longer do we have?" I asked. Dexter thought for a second then shouted back, "I think ten minutes!" Great. We probably wasted one just talking. "Maybe we should split up?" he suggested, "we could find her quicker." I shook my head no. "You'll burn up without me doofus. You need me, and I don't feel like letting you die." He looked mad but I didn't care. I said I'd watch the guy so that was my job. We probably wasted another 5 minutes trying to get a burning Princess of our asses. I grabbed Dexter and we flew up to the top of the room. I started coughing like mad; there was a shit ton of smoke. "Get the birds eye view bud. You see her?" He didn't answer at first but then pointed his finger. I followed the path and saw the girl laying in the corner. "Shes right there hurry up Brick!"
"The hell do you think i'm doing?" I was about to zip down but something hit me on the back of my head, hard. I dropped Dexter. Something grabbed me and I couldn't fly after him. I turned around and it was HIM. "Let the fuck go butthead." I spit at him and punched him but he took it well. He threw me into the wall and smashed his body into mind. I was winded, and I could not breathe. The room was too full of smoke. I started to crawl but I was grabbed again and hurled across the room. Bless the lord I landed right next to Dexter. He looked stunned but he was trying to move. I helped him up and walked him over to Banana but sucked in too much smoke. Dexter picked up an unconscious Banana and held her while I tried to carry them off. I didn't feel good at all. Dexter yelled me directions through the smoke and eventually we found the door. I threw Dexter and Banana through but something grabbed my foot and yanked me back. I was trying to yell for help but I was suffocating. Someone started tugging on my arms. "Hold on Brick!" I heard Boomer shout. I saw Butch send his fist into Fuzzy Lumpkins and we flew out right as the room exploded.

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