Chapter 0: Prolonge

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"In every universe there's a story, and within that story lies a hero. However, sometimes in the most unexpected of circumstances two different universes can collide, making even a much more bigger story for both heroes and villains in total. But how do these different worlds meet one another? Well, grab your popcorn and your 2 leader soda, as we are about to dive into this weird yet wonderful crossover that is The Amazing World of Dragon Ball. Our story begins in a little town called Elmore. A town populated to all sorts of strange folks, whether it consists of anthropomorphic pizzas, harry slugs, or even the town's most beloved blue feline; Gumball, T Watterson. Gumball, along with his adopted fish brother Darwin are known though out the town as being the mischievous dynamic duo, causing all sorts of bizarre yet mostly harmless mayhem. today however, it was rather exciting for the two brothers as the end of the school year was only one week away.

Gumball: Man, I can't wait for next week dude.

Darwin: Yeah, it's about time we get a real break from this. It sucks that we have to take the final exams though.

Gumball: Well, luckily, yours truly has actually studied for the first time in the Watterson 21st century family tree

Darwin: Really?

Gumball: Yep.

Darwin: You?

Gumball: Mhm. Hard to believe actually.

"Darwin gives Gumball a smug look."

Gumball: Come on dude, I've been studying all week and it's already becoming a global nightmare. Give me a break. Although it is rather weird that they're doing the finals a little bit early this year.

"One of the students named Tobias chuckles behind them. Doubting Gumballs seriousness."

Tobias: *chuckles* HA, that's the first.

Gumball: Oh whatever. You're the one who keeps saying "Oh I don't need to study because I know every topic".

Tobias: Well, that's because I've been studying after every topic in class. Unlike you two dropouts.

"Gumball rolls his eyes in annoyance. After all Tobias has always been known as somewhat of a show off in Elmore."

Tobias: Besides what are you guys planning on doing over the summer anyway.

Gumball: Same thing me and Darwin do every summer. Lay around the TV and be lazy.

Tobies: So pretty much nothing.

Gumball: Pretty much.

"Gumball looks out the window knowing that this summer will be the same as many of the summers before. Looking back on it now, Gumball somehow wishes that this summer might be somewhat different. Suddenly, as if by a sheer stroke of luck, Gumball's  girlfriend, Penny Fitzgerald, peers from the seat in front of them."

Penny: Well actually, Gumball, If you're not really doing anything this summer, I was thinking that me, you ,and our families could have a BBQ together.

Gumball: You mean both of our families?

Penny: Well, Yeah.

"This was quite a shock to Gumball. Never had any of his friends invited him and his family over to an event; let alone Penny."

Gumball: Well, your dad and I have made peace, plus he does make some killer hot dogs. You know what yeah, why not.

"Penny gives a reassuring smile, knowing Gumball wouldn't refuse an offer from her, after all having known her for a long time, why would he? The bus soon arrives at Elmore Junior High School were many of the other students great and small enter the building, ready to start the day. As Gumball and Darwin are about head inside, the clay ball student, Clayton flags them down.  Gumball is less then pleased having not forgotten the last time they've been around him.

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