Chapter 5: New Guests

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Narrator: Gumball's family and friends had just now entered the Dragon Ball universe and after an entire 8 months, have finally been reunited; but now theirs was still many questions to be answered, such as what Gumballs been up to since coming here, and more importantly how are they going to make it back home?

Nicole: So, let me get this straight; you spent an entirety of 8 months training, working out, and meditating, all because you wanted to see if you can gain super powers?

Gumball: Well, not at first but yeah.

Nicole: And now you're basically a living weapon with the power next to that of nuclear bomb?

Gumball: uhh, yep.

Nicole: *sigh* Your so grounded when we get home.

Tima: Speaking of which, how do we get home?

Gumball: Oh well, that's simple, me and Goku can just fly you all back.

Nicole: Wait, what?

Goku: Yeah, I mean California, may be a little far outta reach but we can be able to get you there in a giff. Right?

Aniaes: Yeah, about that. Elmore's more then just a little far outta reach

"Goku and Gumball look at Aniaes with confusion. What did she mean by thus?"

Gumball: Whaddya mean?

Aniaes: Gumball, that portal didn't teleport you to another place in the world, it teleported you to another universe.

"Goku and Gumball are met with utter shock and realization. After all this time Gumball was in another dimension which means Elmore didn't even exist."

Goku and Gumball: WHAAAT!!!!!

Gumball: You mean to tell me that for the past 8 months, I've been living in another dimension?

Nicole: Pretty much.

"Gumball feels as of he's gonna pass out or even have a heart attack."

Gumball: I think I need moment.

Goku: So, that's why you all appeared out of nowhere. You all are from a different universe. *chuckles* No wonder we haven't heard of Elmore before.

Gumball: Ok, pause for a minute, if we're in another universe,then how did you guys get here?

Goku: Yeah, you said something about a portal.

Brown: Ah yes, well you see we were able to rebuild the protal thanks to the assistance of Mrs Watterson as well as the Rainbow Factory.

Gumball: Well, ya mind telling us why that thing was down there in THE FIRST PLACE?!

Carrie: Some dude named Mr Max forced the school to assist in building it.

Gumball: Mr Max?

Darwin: And get this, the whole reason why he made that portal machine in the first place, was so that he could find a way back here. He's from this universe.

Gumball: Wait, this Max guy wouldn't happen to be 8 feet tall with slick black hair, and wearing a red business suit, would he?

Penny: Yeah.

Gumball: Oh...oh no.

"Gumball bites his thumb out of worry."

Darwin: What's wrong?

"Gumball takes a quick pause before explaining."

Gumball: During my Ki training. I kept seeing him in a vision. It was when we would have that big BBQ over at Penny's house and just when I was about to lean in to kiss her, the whole city started to crumble to pieces. You all were nowhere to be seen. Then I turned around to see him emerging from the flames. I still remember clear as day.

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