Chapter 7: Gods and Angels

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Narrator: Hey, can I have my spot back now? The author of this story's gonna fire my butt off if i dont get back to narrating.

Gumball: Oh yeah, sure.

Narrator: Thanks. *achem* It was a normal day out in Ginger town like no other; wind was blowing, the birds were singing, and good ol Gumball Watterson was making his normal route patrolling the area, making sure that everything was just as peaceful as it should be. But little did this blue feline know, someone was watching him close behind; and that someone was none other than the God of Destruction himself Beerus alongside his trusted angel Whis.

Whis: Hm, my lord not to question your authority, but are you certain this is whom you sensed a while ago?

Beerues: I'm certain. No one would be able to harness the Blue lion rage wave without getting evaporated in the process.

Whis: Well my lord, while Gumball Watterson may have somewhat of a striking resemblance to Shishi, it doesn't mean he's a close descendant. Perhaps he may have come across her book by accident.

Beerus: No blue cat boy from another universe just comes across a book that's been buried for a millennia by accident. We need to find what this Gumball brat really is.

"They teleport away causing Gumball to turn his head around seeing what's going on. There's nothing there."

Gumball: I think that's enough patrolling for me today.

"Gumball flies back home yet still feels like someones watching him. Suddenly a flash of energy passes through Gumball's mind causing him to halt himself mid air. He quickly turns around every corner yet still sees nothing.

Gumball: Hello?

"No answer."

Gumball: *sigh*

"Gumball continues his descent, unaware that Beerus and Whis are behind a rock still watching him.

Whis: My lord, can't we just confront Gumball head on?

Beerus: I want to observe what other secrets he has up that furry sleeve of his.

Whis: Well, since his family isn't home, perhaps we can take a look at what he could have in his house.

Beerus: Hm, yes. Good idea.

"Beerus and Whis arrive at Gumball's hutt and go inside."

Whis: My, what a quinte place the Watersons have chosen for themselves.

Beerus: Now let's see what this hair puking punk has hidden in here.

"Gumball soon arrives back at the complex. He looks around seeing his friends hanging out with some of the Z fighters. Suddenly, Tobies flags Gumball down for help.

Tobies: Hey, Gumball.

Gumball: Wassup.

Tobies: Bulma's cat got stuck up a tree again.

Gumball: *grouns* for love of...wheres he at?

"Meanwhile, Beerus and Whis rummage through Gumball's stuff. With Whis finding one of Gumball's poems to Penny."

Whis: Oh my, looks like this blue little feline is in love.

"Beerus shakes his head in annoyance then turns to see a hidden panel underneath the floorboard."

Beerus: Ah ha the classic floorboard technique. Even a hiding spot like that can't fool a god like myself.

"Beerus and Whis scheme around the book noticing the pages are all in order and sticky notes placed on different pages."

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