Chapter 4: Reunited at last

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"8 months have now gone by since Gumball T, Watterson had first arrived in The DragonBall universe. The more time he would spend here, the more he would begin to grow accustomed to the new life, enjoying many of the cultures, and even making new friends along the journey. Yet at the same time he still dearly misses his friends and family hoping that this training is all that it's is worth. With these 8 months of training, Gumball had been growing muscular, faster, and even taller than when he first came here, and now with the 8 months of training nearly complete, he is now ready to put his Ki to the final test.

Ok Gumball, ya ready?

Born ready.

Ok, now hold your hands out.


Now, in order for you to tap into your Ki, you have to concentrate with a calm and clear mind. Then picture whatever goal you want to reach and make that your power. Let's say for instance; that big BBQ you keep talking about. Soon you'll be able to feel the energy course through your body.

"Gumball takes a deep breath and closes his eyes, he tries to think about what he wants to see and hear. He starts to invasion himself coming home, with family and friends greeting him with open arms. He pictures the BBQ, both his family and the Fitzgerald's getting along, laughing and having a good time."


"Gumball can feel the energy rising from the center of his body. He tries to think of something else involving the Bbq. Then it his him."

You're doing good. I can already sense the energy. Keep going.

"As if it were real, Gumball can almost feel the warmth of a glowing hand holding his. He turns to see Penny smiling. This was it, this was the moment he'd been waiting for. However a dark shroud suddenly envelops everything in sight, and soon leaving nothing more but darkness. The darkness soon dissipates reviling a broken and destroyed Elmore. Flames danced among the ruins to the sounds of screaming in the back ground.

Gumball pears around worryingly, trying to see where friends are though the smoke while a deep and frightening laughter can be heard all around. A pile of flames open revealing the unknown figure. The unknown figure looks at Gumball with red pricing eyes and a wide red smile. Gumball could only stand in horror ; it was as if some invisible force was restraining him, preventing him from looking away. A deep mellow voice can then be heard, echoing from the sky."

You couldn't save them, and now no one can save you.

"The figure raises his hand and in an instant, a blind flash of red eloominates everything in view, allowing Gumball to return to reality."


"Gumball gasps and sweats out of fear, trying to process what just happened."

Woah, Gumball what happened?

I don't know, I...I..

Here let me help you up.

"Goku helps Gumball back on his feet."

What did you see?

The Bbq. Everything was just normal but this dark smoke just appeared outta nowhere. Next thing I know, the whole city was destroyed and this shadow man just emerged from the flames.

A Shadow man?

His sounded familiar.

Well here, eat this. You'll feel better.

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