Chapter 2: A Temporary new life

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"It had been almost an entire two weeks since Gumball had disappeared from Elmore and while some people brushed it off as just a mere everyday thing, others began to worry, even growing sad and concerned that the blue feline was nowhere to be found. Although Gumball was know though out the town as being mischievous and reckless, not having him around just didn't feel the same to other townsfolk, especially for his family, who were still desperate for answers. For the past few days in fact, Darwin and even some of the other students at the school had been doing some investigating of their own, trying to get to the bottom of what really happened to Gumball. After all If Principal Brown won't them then they'll just have to find out for themselves. Later that morning, Darwin makes his way towards Penny's house, making sure that she was alright. It had been quite awhile since shes been at school and Darwin was beginning to worried.

Darwin (thoughts)
I really hope Pennys feeling alright, I can't imagine what shes going through now that Gumballs missing. She hasn't been to school for days, though It's a good thing Principle brown up'd the final exam for 3 weeks. But that's the least of my problems.

"Darwin knocks on the door hopeing that Penny would answer, only for her father, Patrick to greet him."

Hm? Oh hey Darwin.

Hey, Mr Fitzgerald. I hope i'm not interrupting anything.

Eh, It's been mostly quiet up here.

Is Penny home by any chance?

Yeah, but she's locked up in her room. That's what she's been doing ever since Gumball went missing.

Yeah, well I was wondering if I could come talk to her. I know she may be in the mood but it just seemed like she needs a friend to lean onto.

Well you can try.

"Darwin heads inside."

Shes right upstairs to the left.

"Darwin heads upstairs and takes out some a couple of photos in his hands. Hopefully Darwin can get Penny to help in the investigation."

Darwin (thoughts)
It's a good thing I brought some of these photos with me. Maybe Penny can find out some more clues for us.

"Darwin notices the door is open which was awfully wired. He slowly steps inside to find a cluster of files, documents, newspapers, and photos spread out on the floor and wall. Some of the pertaining to Gumball and others pertaining to the power outages."


"Penny turns, surprised to see Darwin standing at the door. Penny eyes are nearly bloodshot with bags underneath. Its as if she hadn't slept in days."


What's going on? What is all this?

I've been doing this for days on end trying to find out what happened to Gumball. The power outages the earthquakes, it just doesn't add up.

"Penny pounds her fist on the table out of frustration."

There's something going on behind all this. I just know it.

Well its funny you should say that. Ive been looking into this too.

Wait, you have?

"Darwin shows Penny the pictures of the man."

Who's this?

I don't know, but I've seen him walk in and out of the school a hundred times a day. So I got curious and wanted to dig a little deeper, and look what else I found.

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