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The next morning I wake up, take a shower and then get dressed. (alright I need to figure out how I'm going to escape) I thought for a moment but couldn't think of anything. I opened up the window and looked outside. I looked at the pool and the gate around it. (I could jump the fence, it's not that tall. I could ask Dae to make me some food and get me water.) I smirked and I put on a swimsuit.

I opened my door Good morning Dae I thought we could take a dip in the pool I said. Already getting use to the place huh he smirked. No, my room is just very uncomfortable so I thought going outside would be good for the both of us. Is that so wrong I said. No princess it's perfectly fine let's go he said.

We both go outside and I sat on the couch on the pool. Wow this is really comfy I said. Yea it's a nice touch to the pool Dae said. Hey Dae would you mind getting me something to eat and drink I said. Sure what do you want he said. How about pancakes, eggs, and toast with some coffee ofc I said.

Ooooo that does sound good I'll be right back he winked at me before going inside. I looked to make sure he was busy and I got up and went over to the fence, got on the trash can and slowly climbed over the fence. I heard the sound of barking and I looked down (shit they have a dog?!) The dog started to bark really loud. Shhhhhh be quiet! Dae came outside Nala, why are you barking? Dae looks at me and gets really mad.



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Are you kidding me right now! He comes to the fence and I try to get over it. Delilah you are in so much trouble! Dae yells Nala bring her he says. Nala bites my pants and drags me back over the fence I close my eyes thinking I'm about to hit the ground when Dae catches me and throws me over his shoulder. Goodgirl Nala he pets her and takes me inside.

Ace is going to be pissed at you, he said. Wait, you're taking me to Ace?! I yelled. Yes he said. Can't you deal with me I asked. Princess you're not mine to handle, he said. (what does he mean by that?!) He takes me to Ace's office and knocks on his door. Come in Ace said. Dae walks in with me. What happened Ace asked. She tried to escape, Dae sighed.

Set her down and I'll deal with it, Ace said. Dae did as he was told and walked out of the office. Ace looks at me and shakes his head. We all have given you space were letting you do what you want and this is the thanks we get Ace said. You kidnapped me I have no reason to thank you! I yelled. Don't raise your voice at me he walked over to me and picked me up and throw me on his desk. You should be thankful I didn't kill you he said. I looked away. Now your going to be my personal assistant that means you do everything I tell you.

Do you understand Ace said. Fuck you I said. He smirked laid me on my stomach and pulled down my pants. What are you doing stop! I said. You've been a brat and disobedient you tried to escape you think I'm gonna let that slide your wrong he said.

He raised his hand and gave me a sharp slap on my ass. Ow! I yelled. He slapped me again harder. He kept slapping me until my ass was red and had hand prints all over then pulled my pants back up. Now your gonna let everyone know that your in trouble and you don't get to do anything Ace said coldly.

Your lucky I went easy on you next time I won't be so nice now go he said. I left his office and Dae was standing right outside. I ran to Ace's room and Dae went inside Ace's office. Tell everyone to go to the hangout room Ace said. Yes sir Dae said.

A few mins later everyone was at the hangout room and I was sitting next to Ace. Why did you call us down here? Dove asked. Someone tried to escape today Ace said. Everyone looked at me and I looked away. What the hell Delilah Faith said. Really I know you're not talking to me right now you couldn't even tell me the truth I yelled. Fine Delilah I'm in the mafia. The leader of the mafia is my brother Faith said.

It's a little too late I said as I got up and walked out of the room. Dae followed me. Faith ignore her she's just upset Ace said. No you don't get it she was my best friend since I was 5 Faith said. I'm sorry Faith Ace said. I tried to keep her out of this life and now she's are prisoner she will never forgive me Faith said. Faith walked out and so did everyone else.

Ace opened the door of his room. I looked up from my book and rolled my eyes and went back to reading. He walked over to me and grabbed my chin and make me look up at him. Delilah I've given you your space we all have. Your free pass is over now you will have a schedule you will follow it. Do you understand Ace said. Yes sir I said. Good he said as he walked out of the room. I went to bed.  

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