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5 years later, I'm in my office with Olivia and I'm on the phone. No Mr.Smith doesn't need to be bothered about this or any of my business I can deal with it. Just because I am a woman does not mean I can't do anything without my man. I hung up the phone. Fuck someone is hiding our target we need to find out who now.

Me and Olivia looked and we found where. We went to the location and I knocked down the door. I pulled out my gun. Your my target you've been hiding from me and you were hiding her. They shook in fear pls I didn't do anything I don't know why I'm your target he pleaded. You went to a strip club and got a private dancer and didn't pay you know who owns the strip club you go to I ask.

N-No he said. Well I'll tell you Mr.Smith I don't need my man to be disturbed by this. He's a busy man, and people like you weigh him down. That's why I'm here to take care of it. I smile I point my gun at him and shoot bag! Right in the head. The girl next to him screams and I shoot her bag! So annoying wasting my time dealing with people like this I sighed.

Delilah how long have you been with Ace Olivia askes. Almost three years are anniversary is coming up in a couple of days I said.. Do you like this job being a mafia? She asked. I was a witness to the mafia I saw them kill someone Ace could have killed me but he didn't because of Faith. I feel in love with Ace his job comes with him. I do like being a mafia now one fucks with you unless their trying to steal your job I said.

Wow your really bad ass she said. I laugh thanks. We go back to the house and I go into my room and take a shower Ace walks in and joins me. Hey love he rubs my waist up and down. Hey bebe. He turns me around to face him where were you he asked. I was just taking care of some business no need to worry I said. As long as you got it handle he kissed me deeply.

I love you more than this world, make sure you bring back up be careful I hate when I'm not with you he said. Bebe you have to much to worry about I don't need people calling you to take care of something dumb like what I just did. I kiss his neck and he pins me against the wall he kisses my neck softly then he gave me a hickey. Mmmm he gave me another one and kept going until they were all over.

I need to mark what's mine he said. I push him against the wall and give him a few hickeys. Then so do I your mine. He kissed me hard and bit my bottom lip. We got out of the shower and got dressed and went to sleep.

5 days later, Ace took me out to a nice restaurant for our anniversary. I was so happy. I love him so much he's so romantic. When we got home he drew me a bath and I stayed in it for a while. I finally got out and I opened the door Dae told me to follow him I got dressed and did. I followed him outside and I gasped. He set up an aisle with candles and roses around it in the middle there was a rose heart. The deck was set up with lights. It was beautiful.

I walked down to him and I kissed him bebe this is so amazing

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I walked down to him and I kissed him bebe this is so amazing. He turned on our song and he slow danced with me. He spinned me around. Love we have had quite the journey together. The first time I met you, you were so sweet as the waitress then you went up on stage in that beautiful dark blue dress and sang. I knew there was something special about you.

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