Four day weekend

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Me and Ace got all of our work done for our four day weekend. Day one, I jumped on Ace. Bebe wake up! We have stuff to do. He woke up love what's up we don't have to work today. I kissed him softly I know I want to make a garden with you. I thought it would be good bonding time for us I smiled. He pulled me to him and kissed me. We got ready and went outside. We got some soil and some tools. Ace started to dig the holes I got the flowers and started to plant them. They look so pretty my love I think we did a good job.

I'll be back I kissed his cheek and went inside a few mins later I come back with some sandwiches and lemonade

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I'll be back I kissed his cheek and went inside a few mins later I come back with some sandwiches and lemonade. Bebe I made lunch for us. I put the food on the table he walked to me and kissed me thanks love. We sat down and ate lunch. After we were done he picked me up and spinned me around. I giggled. I love you so much. I love you more love. I have a surprise for you he went inside and come back out with a cute puppy. Omg bebe so cuteeeee. What do you want to name her Ace said. What about Autumn I smiled.

I like it I think her and Nala will get along he said

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I like it I think her and Nala will get along he said. I hope so I held Autumn and kissed her all over. This was supposed to be your wedding gift from me but with you being busy I didn't get the chance to. I kissed him deeply I love her bebe. I put her down and she ran around with Nala. When we have babies their going to be amazing like are dogs Ace said. I smiled yea were gonna have good kids I said.

The second day, Love come here I wanna show you something. I went to Ace what's up. He grabbed my hand and took in a room surprise! he said. I looked at the purple gaming room. Bebe this is so cool. He opened another door inside the room. Omg a purple bathroom bebe this is amazing thank you. He kissed my check. Let's play he said. We got on the computers and we're playing cod. We play against each other. No bebe don't you dare kill me again! Ace laughed love got to do better than that if you want me dead. Get back here! I yelled. We played games for a couple of hours then went to our room to watch some movies. We cuddled as we watched some movies and I fell asleep on Ace's arm.

 We cuddled as we watched some movies and I fell asleep on Ace's arm

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The third day, Me and Ace got ready and we decided to go shopping for a few things

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The third day, Me and Ace got ready and we decided to go shopping for a few things. Bebe look at these clothes their so cute. I tried on some different clothes. Love you look good in all of them. I kissed Ace Thanks bebe. After I got my clothes we went to the food court. After a long day of shopping we went home and went to bed.

The fourth day, I grabbed Ace and we took a cute pic in the mirror

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The fourth day, I grabbed Ace and we took a cute pic in the mirror. Ace sat in his chair and I hovered over him. I whispered to him I know what you want to do with me, naughty daddy. I kissed his neck slowly and rubbed his thigh to get him hard. I grinned up against him. Mmm your all mine only mine I said. After we made love with each other we fell asleep. 

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