Naughty girls

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                                                                                 Warning: Smut!

In the morning. I wake up (fuck my head hurts) I rub my head I go in take a shower then get dressed for the day. I go down stairs and make some coffee and I look for some medicine but can't find any (damn it) I get to Ace's office and open the door. Hello Delilah is there something you need Ace asked. Do you have any medicine? I ask. He opens his door and hands me a bottle and I take it. Thank you, I look away for a moment. Ace I'm sorry about last night I didn't mean to get that drunk I said.

He looked at me do you like Dae he asked. My eyes widened. No he kissed me and I kissed him back because it wasn't bad. I don't like him. I think it was just in the moment I said. Ace stood up and walked over to me pushing me against the wall. His lips brushed against mine. I look up at him and I'm blushing hard. Delilah do you feel anything for me you've been here for a month now Ace said. I do like you and I don't think I have a chance with you. I kissed Dae to get you off my mind I said.

He kissed me so passionately and kept going he lifted me up and made out with me. He pulled away Delilah. I like you. I want you to be more than an assistant. I want to bring you into my world. I want you to be a mafia boss also, he said. What?! I can't do that, I don't think I could handle it, I said. All you need is some practice baby you'll be great he said.

Now go take the pills and drink some coffee. He kissed my neck and I left his office. I went into the kitchen and took the pills and drank some coffee. Dae came into the kitchen and I gave him a smile as I handed him some coffee and medicine. Thank you, he said. Dae I know you probably don't want to talk about this right now but I need to know. Why did you kiss me I ask. He sighed to be honest to make Dove jealous. I saw Dove come down the stairs and I kissed you.

I wanted to see if she would get jealous and when she took care on me last night I told her that well she likes me to. Now were dating he said. Aww I'm so happy for you two I said. I started cooking breakfast. Thanks I'm sorry I kissed you to make her jealous he said. It's fine maybe next time tell me you want to make someone jealous before I think something different I said. Ok I will he laughed I know you don't like me that way you like Ace he said.

I blushed hard I do and I went to his office and he told me he liked me I smiled. Omg that's great Dae said. I set the table and breakfast is ready. Yea I'm really happy about it I said. We both got what we wanted he laughed. I giggled your right I said. I walked by the stairs and yelled Breakfast is ready! A few minutes later everyone came down stairs and sat at the table. Everyone I have something to tell you, me and Dae are together, Dove said. I'm happy for you guys Ace said. You guys are a really cute couple, Ash said. Boys are a lot to handle, be careful Faith said. All the girls laughed. Hey! The guys said. We all know girls wear the pants in the relationship I said. We all laughed. Oh really Ace said. I don't know why your laughing Ash said to Faith.

Nothing babe Faith giggled. Ash looked at her and smirked. You'll get it later Ash whispered to her. Ace put his hand on my thigh you think you wear the pants now he whispered to me. Don't I?. He moved his hand up my skirt and moved my panties to the side and he rubbed me. I tried to hold my moans in but I struggled. All of us are meeting in the hangout room tonight Ace said.

Ooooo is it game night Dove said excitedly. Yes it is Ace said. As everyone kept eating their breakfast Ace played with me. I tried to close my legs but he kept them open. He rubbed faster and I looked at him and begged him to cum I was so close and then he took his hand away and I pouted. He whispered that's your punishment. I rolled my eyes and finished my breakfast.

Later that night. We all went into the hangout room. I got drinks and snacks all set up and Ace helped me. I was surprised. I put the games on the table. I put on some music as we all talked and drank. We started to take shots and get crazy. Ace told everyone we were together and they were all happy for us. Oooo i have a game for us to play Dove smirked. What is it? Faith said. Dove opened a box of dice. We roll these dice and have to do whatever it says with our partner in front of everyone. It's a dirty game, she said.

Shit I'm down, Faith said. Me to Dae said. I looked up at Ace. Fine, we can play it, he said. Yay thanks bebe I said. Faith was first she rolled the dice and it said to take off her shirt and she did. Dove went and she took off her shirt and pants. Then it was my turn and I had to strip so I did. Soon we were all naked and Dove rolled the dice. It said let your partner tell you who to make out with. Make out with Delilah Dae said.

Me and Dove were both in the middle and she grabbed me and she started to kiss me. She got more intense and made out with me Ace got a little hard and so did Dae. We went back and Faith rolled it, it said finger anyone of your choice. Faith got up and fingered Dove until she came. Then I rolled it, it said let everyone slap your pussy until your partner says stop. I looked at Ace to make sure it was ok. He nodded at me. 

I bent over and spread my legs wide. Dove got up first she rubbed me then slapped me hard. Ahhhhh! Then Faith slapped me harder. Fuck! Ash slapped me even hard. oh shit! Dae slapped me and left me stinging. Nghhhhh! Ace then came up behind me he slapped me the hardest and left me shaking. A-ahhhhhhhhh!! Ace sat back and smirked at how red my pussy is. Everyone slapped my pussy for over an hour Ace finally said stop. I panted hard and was laid on the couch.

Look at that pretty pussy all red poor baby Ace said. He went over to me and pushed his fingers into me Ahhh! he started to finger me Ahhhhh! (fuck it felt so good he has long fingers and knows how to use them) He was talking to everyone as he was fingering me like it was nothing. I begged to cum and he let me. I came all over and he licked it off his fingers. Later everyone called it a night and went to bed. 

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