Chapter 20

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For Ginny it felt like morning came to fast. It seemed like only soon after she closed her eyes she was forced to open them again. The Miller home became alive with action very quickly. The sleepy house woke with a jolt and soon there was no escaping the noise.

Ginny threw her pillow over her head, trying to block out the noise. Sadly, a pile over her head only brought  more attention.  "Ginny!" Bess cried running into the room then jumping on Ginny' s back.

Ginny cried out and rolled over, sending Bess tumbling. Not to be outdone, Ginny leaned over and started tickling her. Bess' s cried cascaded down the hall. Unfortunately they drew the attention of Mother. She came into the room, hands on her hips, "Elizabeth Mary! Virginia Isabel! Now is not the time for such nonsense!"

"Yes Mother," Ginny and Bess said, their heads hung. 

"Go get dressed Ginny, Bess come with me."

Bess, sulking, followed Mother into the kitchen. Ginny headed upstairs. She was relieved that her bedroom was empty. She pulled out a purple gown, the only dress on the fancier side that she liked.

After she was dressed, Ginny collasped on her bed, hitting her ankle on the edge. She cried out and pulled her ankle to her chest. 

When the pain had subsided, Ginny' s mind drifted to the war. The war with England had been going on for not even a year and it seemed like it wouldn't last. But Ginny knew it would. She also knew that though she may appear to be a loyalist on the outside, her heart would root for the rebels.

"Ginny! Someone's here to see you! Said her name's Celia!" Someone called from downstairs.

Ginny sat up, surprised. Why has Celia come? Well she wasn't going to find out by staying up here, so she trudged downstairs.

"Hi Ginny, Ben told me about your ankle. How are you doing?" Celia asked when she saw Ginny.

"I'm feeling fine, thanks," Ginny replied.

"So, you want to come over to my house?"

"Sure, Bess tell Mother I went out!"

"All right!" Bess called back. 

"So are we really going to your house?" Ginny asked once she and Celia were outside.

"Do you want to? You can meet my brothers."

"Why not?"

Ginny and Celia walked in silence for a moment, neither of them could think of anything to say. Ginny started at Celia and was marveled by her beauty. Her black hair slipped down her back in a flawless pattern. Her black eyes shone with mystery and adventure. Today, Celia write a pale blue dress that shone in the morning sun.

A question stung in Ginny' s mind, one she so desperately wanted to know the answer to. She thought she deserted to know the answer, so she asked,"Cece, what's your middle name?"

"It's... wait did you just call me Cece?"

"I have a nickname, Ben had a nickname, you didn't have a nickname, well now you do!" 

Celia sighed but it quickly turned into laughter. "Anyways, my middle name's Claire, Celia Claire Roser."

"Pretty. Mines Isabel,Ginny well  Virginia Isabel Miller."

"Your real name's Virginia? You seem more like a Ginny to me."

"That's what I always thought to."

"Oh here we are. Come on, let's go through the back door."

Starting at the house, Ginny couldn't believe the house only one back door. It seemed like the house could have had a million doors and there would still be need for more.

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