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I wonder if he could feel the want rolling off my body. Every inch of myself unraveled into a form of myself that wasn't there- a figment of something that didn't exist anymore. The harder he kissed me, the deeper I fell into the abyss. It felt easier to cave into.

Could he feel how heavy my heartbeat felt against his skin? His harsh hand pulled me closer to his chest, and I wondered if he could feel how my breath hitched. His hand lay steady on my back, keeping me still and close to him. I never knew how much I needed this- how much I wanted this till we stood in this dark room. Standing in a hallway filled with some of the most exquisite artwork in the world, the only thing I cared about was his feeling on my lips.

The sound of footsteps approaching pulled me out of the trance I was under. I abruptly pushed his lips away from mine, the feeling of breathlessness escaping both of us. There couldn't have been enough oxygen to reach my lungs at the time. The same feeling didn't escape as he just held me steady in his arms, staying there long enough for me to catch my breath.

"Do you-" I paused, trying to gather my thoughts. "Should we go back?"

Logan's dark eyes pierced through me as if were trying to read every aspect of me. "If that's what you want to do." His deep voice sent goosebumps down my arms. The way he said it almost was a test- kiss me again or go to safety.

I held my breath as I stared closely at his lips and temptation coursed through my body. The sound of another couple approaching the art portion of the party had me backing away from his grasp. I felt my cheeks burning cherry red as I gave them a cheeky smile, there was no doubt of them catching us. I pulled Logan's hand harshly as I nearly tried to run out of the doorway.

Once we walked through the doorway, the sound of other voices soothed my ears.

I couldn't believe I had nearly jumped the man in a public place.

I glanced around the room, taking in the atmosphere and trying to calm my nerves.

I tugged at his fingers wanting to grab his attention once more. But his eyes were still steady on mine.

"I'm sorry I just didn't-" I whispered to Logan. His eyes could tell and million and one words.

He cleared his throat a bit, the look on his face never faltering. "It's okay, you can make it up to me later."

I choose not to question him, and instead pretend as if I wasn't slowly melting into a pool of myself. I needed to get it together.

I hated this overwhelming feeling that I couldn't breathe. Slowly suffocated until my lungs gave out; that's how my anxiety felt most days.

I held my breath, the heavy feeling of sand in my lungs.

"I'm just going to run to the bathroom." I breathed out to him.

Logan squeezed my fingers softly. "Okay baby, I'll be here when you come back."

I wasn't sure if it was the blush seeping off my cheeks or the glossy look in my eyes, but the way he reassured me he'd be here helped. I nodded my head quickly and set off to find the bathroom. I just knew I needed to splash some water on my face, take a deep breath, and get out of this large crowd of people.

Once reaching one of the nicest bathrooms I've ever seen, I quickly locked myself in one of the stalls.

I harshly closed my eyes and took a few breaths in and out. I wish I wouldn't feel like this at the most inconvenient times. It didn't help that Logan had sent me over the edge, fully awakening all the senses in my body.

"Oh my god, did you see her?" I heard a voice loudly speak over the stall, and I couldn't help but overhear them.

There was a long pause as I heard the water rushing from the sink. "Yeah, she kind of looks like a fish out of water anyways." Another voice responded, followed by a few giggles.

My mind scrambled with a million thoughts as to who this mysterious person they were talking about was.

"I just don't know who has it worse- him or her." The nasal voice pondered in annoyance. "Maybe her for not knowing anything, but also maybe him for having to live the rest of his life like that."

I could imagine these sad girls fixing their hair in the mirror in a way to feel better about themselves. They continued clambering on and on about this random couple who did not even affect them.

"Well, you can see how that's going to work out. I wonder if he'll come to his senses. I mean come on he's like the most renowned leader in the world and she doesn't have an ounce of clue? C'mon now, it won't last."

Now my ears perked up at the subject. I knew I shouldn't have been eavesdropping on this random conversation about people I didn't know, but it was a distraction I didn't know I needed. Was there a leader at the party tonight? My thoughts buzzed as I tried to pick up any indication of who this guy was.

"I don't think Alpha can keep up the act any longer, too."


What a weird name to have. I stored the information in the back of my head as I heard their voices disappearing out of the restroom. I wondered if I should ask Logan about it, but he also might think I'm being nosy. I opened the stall and walked over to the sink to wash my hands. My nerves were finally dissipating for the first time tonight.

A girl was standing on the other side of the sink and all I noticed was a wide look on her face as she stared at me. Her face was pale, a glossy look in her eyes like she'd just seen a ghost. She had clearly been upset over something, and I could feel it rolling off of her. I could feel her eyes burning into me as I scrubbed my hands with soap.

I gulped harshly, "Are you okay?"

The girl nodded furiously, "Yeah I'm sorry about those girls- they're so mean, ya know?" The girl had short brown hair that just brushed her chin. She had a Southern accent rolling off her tongue.

I slightly pouted, and I had a pinch in my gut that maybe this was the girl they were talking about. "I know- they're silly anyways. Clearly very insecure about themselves." I shrugged at her. I felt incredibly guilty that she had just heard them talking about her like that in such a close vicinity.

The girl gave me a small smile in agreement, "I'm Nina by the way." She scratched her head and chewed at her lip.

I wasn't sure what those girls were thinking, this girl was stunning.

"I'm Bella," I told her as I dried my hands.

"I love your dress. It's no wonder Logan can't take his eyes off of you." Nina gushed out, her cheeks glowering red.

"Thank you so much, I usually never dress up like this but it's a nice change," I spoke to her as we walked out of the bathroom together. My eyes scanned the room for a certain brooding man.

"Me either, I'm not from around here so I am definitely out of my element," Nina told me.

My eyes locked onto Logan and his whole attention turned towards me. He was in the middle of a conversation with someone, his eyes boring into mine.

I nodded, turning my eyes back to her once I saw Logan striding toward me. "I understand, I'm sorry about those girls- I'm sure your boyfriend is a great guy."

Nina gave me a peculiar look as she slightly turned her head. "Oh, I don't have a boyfriend." She gave me a confused look, her eyes pleading with something I couldn't quite make out.

My thoughts spun around as I pressed my lips together. I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist and I could immediately tell it was Logan.

Nothing was making sense anymore.


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