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Maybe I was in over my head.

Over my head in how good this felt.

It's all I'd ever need to soothe the blazing feeling of my head going a million miles an hour.

I was covered in the warmth of his forceful lips. The demanding need to possess my tongue in ways I didn't even know were possible.

My thoughts mended together, melting in a soothing bliss. The only thing I wanted was the drive for more.

His calloused hand dug greedily into my hips and he palmed my skin. Logan's other hand stayed steady in my hair, pulling every so slightly to lean my head back.

A methodical song strummed us together in-sync as we continued the needy kiss.

My legs parted on the desk while he stood nestled in between my legs. His chiseled chest was so close to me that I couldn't even move if I wanted to.

The daze ended too quickly, far too quickly. When he pulled away, I couldn't help but gasp in response.

My need came over me and I rushed to pull him back to me. Just one more kiss. It was all I'd ever ask for again.

Logan's firm hand squeezed at my hips in response to my attempt to pull him back in for more. He turned his head to the side, causing me to plant a kiss on his cheek instead. "Baby," Logan's dark voice grumbled. I've never heard someone with such want and need in their voice. "We have to stop..." Logan's deep voice traveled away.

I was begging in a pool of myself, "Please."

I gasped a breath of air, holding steady onto his shirt. He couldn't stop now, I wanted this kiss more than anything.

I needed more, so much more.

It was all I needed to say before he forcefully dragged my lips back to his. The pounding in my head subsided again once his scruffy bread pressed against my chin. My hands traveled down his rough chest as a low whimper escaped my lips. My heart hammered so loudly in my chest, I was sure I was going to pass away soon.

I've never felt an ounce of passion like this, the need for more, the feeling that I would rather die than take this away. Every fiber of my being rattled with sparks as our lips slowly danced. Logan's rough palms slipped easily under the thin fabric of my shirt. I've never felt more alive in my life.

"Holy fuck," Logan mumbled against my lips, slightly pulling away to do so. My moan erupted the sound of the room as his greedy hands traveled higher towards my breast. His fingers shoved my bra out of place and he didn't hesitate to circle them. I could barely process the feeling as a thousand sparks erupted in me. He toyed at my body, feeling every crevice of my skin he's never seen before.

I tried my best to keep up with the feelings of his rough lips on me, but I was melting in a pool. I couldn't comprehend anything, all I knew was how good this felt.

Logan's lips abruptly left my mouth too soon once again, and I was on the cusp of begging for more. "You're so beautiful, Bella." Logan's dark hazel eyes only resembled desire. His lips traveled down to a sensitive part of my ear and I felt goosebumps feather across my skin. I muffled a low gasp as he playfully bit my skin. His large hand stayed pinching at my nipple, sending shockwaves throughout my body.

What was this feeling?

"Do you trust me?"

All I could do was swiftly nod. I couldn't comprehend any words right now.

"Words, baby," Logan grumbled against my skin.

I tried to focus, and gather any thoughts I had left. My voice shook as I responded, "Yes, I trust you."

His lips reattached to mine, finally feeding the beast. One hand stayed steady under my shirt, and the other left my hips and traveled lower. He slipped further down and hastily unbuttoned my jeans. Logan's actions seemed so sure that he knew exactly what to do.

My heart rate burst into a stammering speed as I couldn't help but feel insecure. I was so inexperienced in everything of this sort, and I hope it didn't wear easily on my sleeve.

Logan slid a finger over my panties and gently brushed against my core. My body jolted forward in response, begging for more. My response caused another squeeze to my nipple, sending my brain into overdrive. Lightening coasted through my veins as he delved deeper into my mouth. The electricity between us was overwhelming.

"You're perfect, baby. The most perfect woman I've ever seen. All mine, okay?" Logan told me as he pushed my panties aside from me. I groaned in response as he slipped a finger deep into me. I grasped a fistful of his shirt to hold myself steady. I felt like I was going to fly to the moon, never to return to earth again.

"Are you all mine?" Logan asked again, slowing the speed of his stroking fingers. It was agonizing, I couldn't handle the teasing feeling. I groaned at the way he paused his fingers, willing to do anything to make him continue.

The soft demands of his words soothed the ache of my insecurities, and I felt actually wanted.

"Y-yes, all yours." I barely whispered as he connected his lips back to mine. The feeling was overcoming me, my hips trying to feed further down his finger. He groaned deeply against my lip, a needy groan that lulled my ears. The foreign sensation buzzed throughout my whole body, and I could feel myself pushing over the edge. Logan's palm pushed against my core, sending release waves throughout my body. The feeling ate at my skin, chewed through my brain, and licked my harsh wounds.

The high was subsiding as he tugged his hands away, and released my breast from his playful fingers. His lips pulled away from mine, and he looked at me with such intense eyes I felt goosebumps dance across my body. I was panting, and my mind was in a haze. I couldn't muster a single thought even if I tried.

I wasn't sure what this meant for us. If we were together, together now. . My cheeks burned warmly as I tried to gather my thoughts. "What does this mean, now?" I stumbled over my words, trying to seem brave.

"I'm yours, and you're all mine. That's what."

Logan straightened himself out like he was trying to collect himself too. His fingers fixed the button on my pants and gently combed through my now messy blonde hair.

"Fuck, you're all I've ever needed."

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