EIGHTEEN: truth or dare

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Bella's POV:

The suffocating feeling in my throat began to grow as Lily read the rules of this truth-or-dare game.

"So it's so fun! All you have to do is read your truth or dare out loud and obviously do it. If you want to opt out of it, the only free pass is if you jump in the pool with your clothes on. Be warned though, it's below freezing in that pool!" Lily laughed as she introduced the game. "Because there's so many of us, we're only doing one for tonight, but afterward we'll have a vote of whose truth or dare was the best!! We'll start with... Sam." Lily cheered and everyone's eyes turned to a short blonde girl.

"So I had a truth... what's the weirdest dream I've ever had?" Sam read off the question and continued to spill an earful of a dream she encountered.

The crowd of people continued to laugh as we went in a circle calling off various truth-or-dare prompts, and I was trying not to run straight for the door. I was praying for something easy, and definitely not something that would want to make me jump into that freezing pool outside.

My thoughts trailed off to a certain guy who consumed most of my thoughts. My eyes danced in a circle around the room as I tried to spot him. I was more than curious as to what Vanessa and he were discussing in secret, but I tried to brush off the feeling.

When my eyes locked onto those familiar ones, my heart rate began to fly through the roof.

His dark eyes were staring so intently at me that I swear I could've turned to stone. Logan leaned relaxed against the door entrance, his bulky arms laying snug across his chest.

Logan's facial expression was piercing and sent chills down my spine.

I couldn't pinpoint what the expression meant, I just knew I didn't want to be the center of attention.

"Bella!! You turn!" Madison nudged me and I sputtered over my thoughts.  Everyone's wondering eyes glanced over at me with curiosity like they were analyzing me.

I hastily reached down in my pocket to grab the silly piece of paper and I could vaguely feel my hands shake.

I felt like I was going to topple over in anxiety. I was thinking at this point whatever was on this card might be easier to just run into that pool.

I held my breath as I opened the slip of paper and began to read it out loud, "Truth, have you ever cut class in high school?" I thought about the question for a minute and my anxiety seemed to melt down to the floor. This was an easy question. Thank god. "Yes... I skipped a PE on the day we had to run the mile because there was no way I was going to sit through the rest of my classes gross and out of breath." I gave a soft smile and everyone semi-agreed.

I exhaled the breath I was holding in and crumbled the paper in my hands. That wasn't bad at all, in fact, it was kind of fun.

I heard Madison clear her throat as she read off her dare after me. "Dare...Give your phone to another player who can send one text saying anything they want to one of your contacts." Madison glanced around the room and her eyes landed on me. "Well, I'm going to go with my tried and true who won't embarrass the crap out of me, here you go Bells." She reached down in her pocket and handed me her phone.

I chewed on the inside of my cheek as I unlocked her phone and dug through her contacts and landed on one of madison's coworkers, Hannah. I sent her a quick hey girl text and handed Madison the phone back.

The game continued as we went around in the circle. It was becoming more fun once I had done my truth question and I felt more comfortable. I tried to keep my focus on the people reading out their prompts than keeping my eyes locked onto a certain someone.

When we reached Logan he rolled his eyes and reached down for his paper. He slowly opened the paper and paused for a few moments before he read his truth or dare. "Dare, kiss the most attractive person in the room." Logan's voice grumbled out and my skin began to tingle.

I felt all my blood coursing through my veins and I knew perhaps this was the last time I'd have hope between Logan and me.

There was no way he'd choose me as the most attractive person in the room of basic models. Especially with Vanessa standing so close to him.

Logan cleared his throat and crumbled the piece of paper in his hands. He was quiet as his eyes trailed over to Lily to give her a harsh glare. Logan began to roll up the sleeves of his button-down shirt, and the next words out of his mouth had me nearly melting to the floor.

"Time for a swim I guess?" Logan said stoically and began to walk outside to the pool.

My mind was going a mile a minute as I thought over the last few moments and how they might've changed everything. Did Logan not kiss anyone in the room because he thought no one there was attractive? Was there someone else he was waiting on? Who would be foolish enough to jump into the pool?

The crowd of people followed Logan to the backyard as we planned to watch him jump in. The cold air nibbled at my skin the second we stepped outside and I couldn't imagine jumping in the cold pool like this. No way.

I held my arms protectively over my chest as I watched Logan from afar as people hooted and hollered for him to jump in.

All I knew is that he didn't look happy in the slightest, and continued to ignore the cheering of his friends. Logan quickly dived into the deep end of the pool and I unconsciously shivered at the thought. He didn't waste a second before he emerged out of the pool, his clothes clad to his skin. Every muscle he possessed was outlined as he snatched a towel from his friend Harry. People were laughing as Logan pushed everyone out of the way to move back inside.

My heart felt heavy as my thoughts started consuming me.

Logan jumped in that pool because he didn't want to kiss anyone, including me.

"There's no way in hell I'd ever jump in a pool in this weather! It's freezing out here!" Madison turned to Jason and me. She pulled my arm to push me back inside. "He'll be lucky if he doesn't get sick or something." She rolled her eyes as we walked back into the living room where everyone began to regather.

"Yeah, you're right."

I kept my eyes peeled for Logan in the room, hoping for some kind of explanation or... I don't know.

We continued the game until the last person read their card. Everyone had done their truth or dare except Logan.

"Okay, so everyone's going to write down who had the best answer or executed their dare the best! Obviously everyone but Logan." Lily explained the last part of the game to us. I was just about to write down a random name when I felt a pull at my arm.

I glanced around and saw Logan in a new change of clothes with damp hair. He motioned for me to step toward him and I followed.

He leaned down and whispered so softly in my ear, "Don't think for a second I wouldn't have kissed you in a heartbeat. Right now just wasn't the right time for our first kiss."

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