Chapter 10: Lost In Thought or Drowning In Them?

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(Art not mine)
It had been 2 days.

Two long days since the meeting with Izuku, and it was still confusing the shit out of Bakugo. On one hand, he was so happy to see his childhood friend again in one piece, but that was overshadowed by the whole situation. A depressed air swarming around the blond no matter where he was.

The once green haired child that was so timid and scared of everything around him, wasn't here anymore. The way he would cling to the blond's shirt when he got nervous and would follow the alpha around like a lost puppy, was not who he saw the other night. Izuku was so different from anything Bakugo could have ever prepared himself for.

This person shared little resemblance -outside of the matured physical appearances- to the child of almost a decade ago. Izuku had grown into something that was barely recognizable. He was sharped tongued, courageous and bull headed. He was so strong and not just in the physical sense, but in almost every other aspect as well. Izuku wasn't weak minded as he once was, he was quick and wise with his interactions. Still reserved but fierce in a way that only reminded the blonde of possessiveness.

Part of the alpha wondered if it was because the omega had a few too many screws knocked loose over the years for him to be this way. The trauma that he endured acting as a sharp knife that hacked away and carved out a new person. Bakugo doubted that Izuku actively chose to be like this. No, Bakugo knew through his years of underground training what resource guarding looked like. The unhinged reactions to unfamiliar situations prodding out the feral nature. There was no way that Izuku would have mentally survived without something to keep him grounded.

Yet, he knew that wasn't entirely true. Yes, the omega was a totally different person, but who wouldn't after a decade of abuse and isolation. Even as Bakugo thought back to the years they grew up together, Izuku had shown a few of these traits back then too. Even if it was just a hint of it, that was enough for the alpha to remind himself.

Whether that was standing up against Bakugo before and after he presented; voicing his opinions despite the threat that loomed over him. The continuous way the omega tried to protect anyone when Bakugo's friend group set within their sights on someone. The open and honest way he dreamed bigger for his future than what his bullies allowed him; so loudly no matter the repercussions.

That young child from before was just a fraction of what the hero saw the other night. This version of Izuku was hard for the blond alpha to not feel some kind of pride for. Izuku had stayed strong, pushed himself and didn't cave under the stress of the horrendous system he was kidnapped into. The pain he must have endured; the loneliness and desperation that ensued for years.

Bakugo wasn't going to ignore that, wasn't going to let that all be for nothing. The blond from 10 years ago would have written it all off, saying the nerd deserved it. But thank god Katsuki had grown up. Finally, forced to learn things the harsh way and actually take a good look at himself instead of ignoring it all. Forced to experience the heavy consequences of his action; but with continuous support from people that actually cared.

That sudden difference in his adolescence did wonders for his bruised and delicate ego. How could he not when Eraserhead was his first real teacher- though he acted more like an adoptive father. But that was followed by Best Jeanist, who adopted him like a feral house cat. Taming the wild furball with structure that he never had before. Hell, even his group of friends practically chained him to their sides. Forcing their way into his life and somehow becoming a safety net. No matter what it was that Bakugou experienced; PTSD, depression, isolation and occasionally his manic episodes- they were there for it all. They refused to allow him to suffer alone, even if he was a total dick the whole time. Always right by his side to validate and soothe when he couldn't sleep at night or needed to blow off steam.

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