Ch. 1 Backstory

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Your POV

I was sitting in my apartment drawing in my sketchbook. I just recently became a full time artist despite the disapproval from my parents. And just as my art career was going well, I hit an art block. I didn't have any art commissions to complete and I had no idea what to draw. I sat in my apartment trying to think of what to draw for days. That was until I ran out of food in my fridge. And soon I was forced to touch grass and go outside. I put on a plain white t shirt, some legging, and a grey sports jacket. I then put my hair into pigtail braids (or any hairstyle you want). I grabbed my backpack, keys, wallet, and put on a hat because the sun is my enemy. 

For a while I was peacefully walking when it started to get crowded in the streets. And of course being curious, I ran to where they were running from. Dumb I know. Well after finding out it was a building had caught fire. At first I was like everyone else, phone out filming it. Well until, I heard a voice from inside. And without thinking I ran inside. I pushed past all the burning wood despite how much it hurt. At the time it didn't matter because I couldn't just stand there and film someone dying. After being in there for a while I found where the voice was coming from. A kid that couldn't have been older than 6. I picked him up but as I did I felt something nip at my shoulder. I tried to run out but the smoke that I inhaled finally got to me. I started to fall when I felt someone grab me right before I lost consciousness. 


I woke up with a jolt, coughing my laughs out. And right as I shot out of bed I heard someone else in my room wake up too. "Umm Hello?" I asked the random person in the room that was laying their head on my bed. "Oh hey what's up." He said so relaxed. After a little awkward silence I spoke. "Do we know each other?" He smirked, "nah, I have never seen you before." "They why are you here?" "Hobie" "what?" "My name is hobie, hobie brown" "y/n l/n" "cool name" "thanks, now who actually are you and why are you in here with me?" His smirk widen. "I'm just a graffiti artist who was passing by that burning building and ran in after you." "Oh so you saved me?" "Yeah I did so you should totally give me a meal for saving you" I smiled and laugh, then I sarcastically said "oh my thank you so much I will make sure to fan you and feed you grapes on your throne."  While making exaggerated hand movements to look like a damsel in distress. "That's right you should" Hobie said as he laughed too. And soon a nurse came in to check on me while I continued to talk to Hobie. 

And soon visiting time was over. After I got my stuff back, Hobie and I traded phone numbers. I had to stay in the hospital for another night, sadly. I was laying in the lumpy hospital bed when I started to get a tingling feeling. I tried to ignore it until I couldn't. So I followed my gut and got up from the bed. When I got up my legs which was filled with burn scars, started to severely hurt. I grabbed on to the wall as I started to walked to wherever my gut led me to. That tingle felt more severe when I got to the door of the kid I saved, or tried to save. At first I was confused but as I got closer to the open door I notice the heart rate monitor thing was speeding up. I immediately called out for help. Good thing a night shift nurse noticed and went into check. I backed up as more nurses ran into the room. While that was happening another nurse brought me back to my room for the night. 

Hobie POV

After trading numbers with y/n I immediately jumped into a portal to go to the spider verse. As I stepped onto the grassy area I heard someone call for me. "Hobie! Where is the spider we were working on to give to Earth 5843?" I heard mo- Jessica ask me. "How do you know I took it?" I said. Jessica stared me down, "where is it?" "I lost it." "You what?!" "Lost it, like I don't know where it is." Jessica's jaw dropped. "Do you know how mad Miguel will be?" "So?" "He will be so mad." "Good" Jessica looked like she was about to scold but instead walked away. I just went to the cafe area and sat down for a little while before Miguel came to find me. 

Your POV

I woke up the next day feeling really sore because of the awful beds. The nurse came in to check on me and told me someone came in to visit. I was super confused but let whoever in anyway. As I thought it might have been Hobie and tan girl in a preppy outfit walked in. She had neon green fake hair braided into her own. After she walked in she introduced herself. "Hello! I'm Daniella Kingsley, Um you're the girl who ran into that burning house to save that kid right." I smiled at her extroverted personality, "I should be unless there was another girl running into a burning building around here." She smiled back. "Y/n L/n, can I help you?" "Oh yeah I just wanted to give you the go fund me money." "The what money?" "That was my younger brother that you saved, so when I got there and saw you being taken in an ambulance to the hospital I felt that I should at least try to help you cover the medical bills. So I set up a go fund me." After processing why she said I responded, "Oh thank you but you didn't have to do that." "It was easy, but I wouldn't get my hopes up because most people on the internet didn't believe that I would give the money to you so I thought we could take a video, I could post it on the account and link the account to your bank account so you can get the money." I smiled, for some reason I felt like I could trust her. I sensed no amount of aggression from her so I obliged and made a quick little video with her. Then I asked her how her brother was. 

Hobbies POV

As I sat in the cafe I was soon was approached by Miguel. "What's up?" "How did you lose it?" He said, his voice full of frustration. "Relax, I didn't lose it in a  random universe." "I can't even look at you right now" he said but then asked. "Which universe?" "Mine, but good luck, last I saw it ran into a burning building." "Great now I have to go and fix your mistakes." "Good, Later." I said as I got up and went back to my universe. 



Ok, so first chapter done. I'm not sure if I will continue this but I might write a few more chapters then see how I feel. Hopefully you liked it and please comment if you would like to see more. Because I'm not sure how my style of writing came across. (1266 words)

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