Ch. 7 Pavitr Prabhakar

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And when I got back to my universe it was already night. So I made my way back to my apartment. And when I got to the front door I saw my mom trying to chase Hobie away. "just tell Y/n I'm here." "I don't know what you plan to do but it's late and as much as I want grand-" "Mom!" I yelled interrupting her before turning to Hobie. "Hi Hobie let me talk to my mom really quick." "Alright" he said before moving to the side but still keep an eye on my mom. I then brought my mom back inside. "Mom you can't scream about how much you want grandchildren. It's embarrassing." "It's not my fault you haven't given me any" "Mom! Plus Hobie and I are just friends." "Ok" she said skeptically. "Oh by the way you went out with that hottie for a while. How was it? Grand babies?" "Mom if you bring up grandchildren anymore I will kick you out." I said before leaving to talk to Hobie.

I walked back out and closed the door behind me. "Well where were you?" I asked. "I had to go save Pav from some new threat." "Pav?" "A mate of mine, you went to apply right." "I did, and I come back at the end of this week to show my stuff." "Need help?" "Nah, I might watch some YouTube videos and go from there." "Good luck then, by the way tomorrow." "You want f/f tomorrow don't you?" "Yeah, some of my friends are coming over so if you could?" He said leaning against a pillar. "Sure text me your address, time, and how many people will be there." "Got it thanks." He said before walking away.

Miguel POV

After leaving Y/n alone I got back to HQ. I needed to find the universe that didn't get a Spider-Man after-all. "So you into the art Spider-Man?" Jessica asked. "What?" "You were just with her." "Yeah I was training her." "But you never train anyone?" She added. I didn't know how to respond to that. "Just felt like it." I responded, "but you didn't even train your favorite Spider-Man, Lego Spiderman!" 

Y/n POV 

I woke up and got ready in causal wear. After a quick smoothie I started my research. Searching up different fighting styles and techniques. All just to copy them, and while everything was going great. I found myself a good fighting style where I could fight with the bow staff but then spin it on the back of my hand while quickly shooting webs. I basically became a spider ninja. Everything I did looked perfect but I had one flaw. Even though I might have learned the moves and etc. I didn't have the leg or arm strength to make them effective. Now yes when I got bit I got enhanced strength and I did become faster. But as an artist that never left the house unless needed to, so I am very weak. Like embarrassingly weak. But after learning all those moves I started making f/f to bring to Hobie's.

After I finished I placed it in some tupperware and started my way to his house. This time I took my car because I was not going to walk across the city with three big tupperwares. After getting to Hobie's house a little later then planned because of the traffic. I hate traffic. I knocked on his door. "Hey Lil' Flame, brought the goods?" "You know it! Here you go just make sure your return the Tupperware." "What? You are not coming in?" "Let's just say last time I had to meet someone for the first time at a, it was embarrassing." "It could not be that bad" "oh no, it just wasn't bad, it was the absolute worst first impression you can give someone." Hobie chuckled in reply then shot a web at me and dragged me in. So I guess I didn't have a choice to begin with.

I picked up the Tupperware he temporarily put on the ground. His apartment was not exactly what I expected. It wasn't your typical cozy. The place made total sense but for some reason I can't fully describe it. Because it looked like things constantly changed in the apartment but then also feel like it belonged there? It was really cool, Hobie could have totally been an interior designer, I mean if my mom wasn't living with me and my landlord wasn't so strict I would hire him. While I was admiring the room I heard my name get called. 

"Y/n?" Gwen asked getting into fighting position. "Oh hi, Gwen right?" I asked. "Yeah, you never answered my question from before." She said still skeptical. "Relax Gwen she good." Hobie said grabbing one of the Tupperwares and putting it on a counter. "Oh and that is Pav and miles over there." "Hi again miles and nice to meet you Pav." "Great to meet you too, I'm pavitr prabhakar." "Y/n L/n, you don't mind if I just continue to call you Pav right? Because I don't think I will be able say your name right and I don't want to butcher it every time." "Pav is fine but why don't you try saying it fully." "Yeah, I would rather not" I said cracking a smile at the very cheerful guy. I mean as long as I can save myself from more embarrassment in front of Hobie's friends, I'm great. 

And soon we all sat down to start to eat. Gwen soon stopped being skeptical towards me and I actually held a conversation. Let's just say small talk was usually not my thing. "So you have a theme now?" "Oh yeah I do, I have officially become Mimic, the Flower Spider." "Why not another Spider-Man or well for you Spider woman?" Miles asked. "Oh well Hobie is already this universe's Spider-Man and since he has a style that already known as their normal Spider-Man theme I just thought it would be better to just have a whole name change." "What's wrong with Hobie's style?" "Oh nothing is, it's great, but that's also the problem. He is too good at his style so I know if I tried I would never look as good." "Lil flame is right, I am just to cool to compete with." Hobie said while he interjected our conversation. 

"Oh I have another question, why do you call her Lil' flame?" Gwen asked. When she asked that Hobie and I looked at each other. "We just met near warm and you know Hobie." I answered keeping it very vague. And luckily Hobie saved me from a hundred more questions. "Anyone want something else to drink? I got coffee, tea, soda" Pav answered. "I would love some Chai." And of course being me guess what I said. "Oh I like Chai tea too" "What! Chai tea? Chai means tea! You're saying tea tea!" While in the background Gwen was laughing and Miles looked like he was going through PTSD.


Pav will stay Pav because I refuse to write his name again and again. And for our first meeting with him I had to put in the Chai Tea part. It was after all some of my favorite parts. And also thank you for over 10k reads!!! I'm glad people are liking this story! 

(1226 words)

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