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Moving to a new town with almost everything changing is quite a difference. This was no exception for Hazel. Her Family lived in a place which was in the middle of nowhere. The nearest town was 30 minutes away, which was where her old school was. Don't even get started about her school, her grades sucked even for the days she came. She lived on a farm which had been passed for generations. Though this past year from her dads friends he was connected to a huge job in a far away town. Because of the pay it involved, her Dad accepted it.

After thinking about it all, her family sold the farm, which Hazel despised. She hated to see everything fall apart that she helped build. Yet all of her pushing didn't phase her dad from doing it. They inherited enough money to by a house in the town which wasn't that far away from her Dads job.

The house was quite bigger than her old one which barely had room the 3 people living it. It was all just new to her. She didn't hate the house she hated the thought of it. She had her own room which she put up some decorations to style it because It didn't seem like it was changing anytime soon.

After a few days in the home, it was her first day at a new school. She wasn't excited but put on a smile and tried to stay positive. Since her Dad had went out, he had took their car so she rode the bus to school. During the bus ride she sat in the back mostly being quiet, contrary of others loudness.

As she quickly arrived to the school she barely found her way around even if it was on the piece of paper. She found the classroom, almost being late. The teacher quickly introduced the new girl for the class as she smiled and said her name. Her eyes skimmed the room, quite the room of kids.

The teacher sat her next to what seemed like a elementary student, named Sheldon. Was he suppose to be here... Thats quite weird. She didn't say anything and sat down not thinking about it again. The class period was tiring. The kid next to her seemed to have a problem with the teacher and kept correcting her. She was surprised at such a young age he was correcting the teacher, it should be the opposite. Though It went by quick and before she knew if she was packing. As she got up to leave she was called by the teacher to head over near her. Sheldon had also been called and the teacher explained that he would show her around.

She wasn't not fond of this but the other showed his thoughts. "But Ms. McElroy Ill miss-" The teacher shut him up quickly and shushed him out the classroom, which looked like it made him annoyed.

They both headed out the classroom. Sheldon quickly made sure he told her "I am only doing this because of the teacher." Hazel nodded not wanting to get into an argument on her first day. As Sheldon showed her around, she kept to herself not speaking when she didn't need to. Though the kid surprised her when they got to the library and he started talking about words she didn't even know how to say and wasn't going to try.

The tour was ended right after their first period ended, as he rushed it a bit. "There. End of tour. Im going to get to class" He went off almost running like he was afraid he wouldn't make it. She was left in the hall while everyone started going to their new classes, she soon mimicked them and head to hers.

Though before she realized Sheldon had appeared in front of her again, but with someone new. The guy looked around her age with fluffy hair ending in a mullet, which actually fit his face. She stared at the guy for a second, creating a small smirk across his face. She snapped her eyes back towards Sheldon. "Is there something wrong?"

"My brother wanted to meet you."

Texan Love (A Georgie Cooper Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now