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It was an early Friday morning and Hazel was currently sitting in her Chemistry class. Everyone was currently working on a small paper that the teacher had assigned. She said it was something about uh. Kintics.. no.. Kinetics..? Well, Whatever it was called. She was barely paying attention in class as she was talking with friends. Even if it had only been around a week of arriving at this new school she had become quite the popular one.

Growing up on a farm had raised her to be mature all the time, yet now this school had let her have some freedom. She could actually have fun for once and her family couldn't get in the way of it. Though of course not being raised in this environment she never fully understood things. As if a person made a joke which she didn't understand, she'd just laugh with others.

But it's better to focus on the present, and now the bell was just about to ring. She wrote some random answers on her paper and gave them to the teacher. Let's hope that doesn't affect her grade too badly, but who cares. She stared at the clock on the wall, counting down the seconds, and surprisingly counted them right. She jumped up from her seat and was just about to leave the classroom when she was stopped.

She looked at the figure behind her. Yup, one of her best friends. Georgie Cooper.

"Something wrong?" Hazel asked the boy in front of her. "You know how you wanted to go to one of my Football games right?" He brought back an old conversation of her saying she wanted to cheer him on in one of his games. She was surprised he remembered that as she gave him a small nod for an answer. "Well, I'm actually having one tonight if you wanted to come" He offered to her. "Of course! I'll have to ask my parents though, what time is it?" She asked him, as she held her excitement inside.

"Starts at seven pm" He gives her a smile before they both walk out of class. "Got it!" She returned the smile. "See ya later Hazel" He waved as he walked towards his class, away from her. She wouldn't admit but she was so excited. She was actually going to one of Georgie's games. She didn't even like football but who cares

It may have seemed Georgie wanted her to go to one of his games, but in a way, he didn't. He didn't show it but he was quite nervous about it. He didn't want to make a mistake in front of her. At the same time, he was excited and wanted her to come. He didn't know what to think right now all he knew was he was going to do what he normally does.

The school day ended quite quickly and Hazel's dad picked her up like always. She got in the passenger side and put her stuff on the floor in front of her. As her mind rushed a bit with how she would get her dad to let her go to a guy's football game. 

"How was school?" Her dad asked in the silence of the car. She took a second before answering "It was better than normal?" Her dad responded with "Well.. I think that's good?"

"Hey, Dad can I go to a football game tonight?" Hazel randomly put in their conversation. "Hm? Why?" His dad questioned. Shoot she didn't really think she'd even get this far. "Uhm... Some of my friends are going and they asked me to go with them!" She made an excuse, getting ready for even more questions. 


What? Did her dad really just say that? Normally he'd say no to those things. This was amazing! She was actually going to a game. "Thank you so much, Dad!" She held a huge smile on her face and moved to a more comfortable position, as she couldn't stay still from her excitement. 

Her dad wasn't fully committed to the decision, yet he didn't want to ruin the friendships she made being new to the school. What could be the worst to happen? He didn't want to be the father his daughter couldn't go to him for things.

The car ride home was quite relaxing now, even if she was changing positions every 10 seconds. They both made a deal that If Hazel went to the football game she would let her parents go too. This wasn't all too terribly bad.. at least they were letting her go. 

As soon as she got home she went into her closet and looked for an outfit. She picked out one of her favorite outfits which looked the best on her. Even if the game didn't start in a few hours she was preparing for it like it was just about to start. 

The next few hours were just a pain sitting around doing nothing, it felt like time was slowing down around her. Her mom finally got home from work as the clock hit 6. This is the time when she started putting on her clothes and putting some makeup on, knowing in total it would take 30 minutes and that's not including her hair. 

Yet now time was speeding up when she didn't want it. She had just finished braiding her hair into 2 small braids, as she rushed to the car. Her stomach filled with butterflies as they got closer, blaming it on her getting car sick too easily. 

They soon arrived a little late as some of the bleachers were full, but they all found a small spot close in the middle. Thankfully she was sat by one of her friends she met in class, which helped her story about coming here for a friend. 

Her eyes went everywhere, trying to find the boy she came for. Her eyes landed on 23, Yup that was Georgie. A small smile filled her face. They were just finishing warm-ups now and were getting into positions. She didn't realize Georgie was staring right back at her, and when she did she quickly diverted her vision to her parents.

The game was one of the more competitive she had seen, They both kept staying in the tie zone, as one team got a point the other would also. Even if she didn't know much about football it kept her on her feet as she kept rising out every time one team was about to get a point.

Now it was the last few minutes of the game and the teams were tied. Both teams wanted the win and they weren't going to let the other win. This round would determine the winner. As Hazel held her hands together, out of pure luck Georgie had gotten the ball and was running the goal line. 

Hazel almost jumped out of her seat as Georgie scored a touchdown, winning it for their team. As the crowd shouted, Hazel's voice was one of the loudest. A huge smile wrapped around her face. Before she knew it she was asking her parents if she could go find one of her other friends. Her parents hesitantly said yes, making sure she knew to be quick. 

She gave them a short thank you as she rushed down the bleachers, she made her way to the dugouts and got there just in time as Georgie was walking out. As they both locked eyes with each other, Georgie dropped his things. 

They shared a small hug in both of their excitement. 

Sadly they released and they looked at each other. "Good Job Georgie" Hazel grinned. 

"Couldn't have done it without ya" He said as they both chuckled.

They shared silence as they stared into each other eyes. They soo- One of the other football players came out of the dugout and patted Georgie on the back "Nice game man." 

This shook them as they backed up from each other.

"My parents are probably waiting on me. See you Georgie" Hazel said as they both nodded. "Yeah see ya Hazel." Georgie smiled at her.

As they both went their separate ways,

They Both held something in their hearts.



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2023 ⏰

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