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Next day taehyung wake up alone at jungkook bed. He look everywhere but didn't find jungkook.he pick mr bunny and stand up from bed.

He open the door and guard bow to him.

"King said us to inform you that he has some important work he will meet you at lunch"guard said.

"Ok"taehyung said with smile.

He see his helper are coming he smile at them.

"Noona can I go to Jin hyung"taehyung ask to his helper who was shocked because she see first concubine who is requesting to her for something.

"Yes royal concubine we can go"helper said to taehyung and taehyung smile bright.

Taehyung and his helper come to kitchen where he see Jin is asking chef to make something for him.

"Hyung"taehyung said and run toward Jin and hug him.

"Oh my little angel what are doing here"Jin ask him.

"King is not here and I'm bore so I thought why not come to you"taehyung said with pout.

"Did you eat you break fast"Jin ask and taehyung said no.

"Ok then let go to my chamber we will eat our breakfast"Jin said and take taehyung to his chamber.

After eating breakfast with Jin taehyung come to garden which he see yesterday. He was talking to his mr bunny when he feel someone is looking at him. He look up and small boy is looking at him.

He ask little boy to come and sit beside him. Who come hesitately and sit beside taehyung.

"What is your name little baby"taehyung ask.

"Dae"dae reply shortly with shy smile.

"Your name is so cute just like you"taehyung said while pinching dae cheeks.

"You are taking with love"dae said to taehyung who look confusing toward dae.

"What do you mean by that"taehyung ask to dae.

"When father new wife come they don't like to talk with me"dae said with pout.

"Why"taehyung ask.

"I don't know "dae said.

"Ok"taehyung said.

They both sit in silence but dae eyes catch taehyung's mr bunny.

"What is this"dae ask

"Oh meet my mr bunny he is only my best friend"taehyung said.

"Can I play with him"dae ask with doe eyes and taehyung smile

"Yes but don't take him anywhere he is one and only best friend I have"taehyung said.

"If you don't mind I can be your friend I also don't have friends"dae said and taehyung agree with being dae friend.

Taehyung and dae play 1 hours in garden after that taehyung ask dae to take rest and he himself go toward his chamber to take rest.

He enter in his chamber and see King is sitting on his bed. When he enter jungkook look up and smile.

"Where were you taehyung"jungkook ask and walk toward taehyung.

"I was in garden"taehyung reply and smile at jungkook.

"And you know kook I made new friend"taehyung said excitedly

"Hmm and who is your new friend"jungkook ask but before taehyung can reply their chamber door open and see dae is standing outside.

"Dae what are you doing here"jungkook ask to dae

"I come to meet tae"dae reply shortly.

"And kook meet my new friend jeon dae"taehyung said with smile.

"Can I come inside"dae ask but he was stop my his helper.

"I'm sorry king Prince was asking to sleep with royal concubine I will take him back"helper said and jungkook nod his head but dae start crying.

"I want to sleep with tae"dae said while crying.

Taehyung didn't like tear in dae eyes so he walk toward dae and pick him up.

"Don't cry little baby you can sleep here"taehyung said.

"But royal concubine"helper ask but taehyung cut her.

"It's ok nonna dae is crying what if little baby get sick while continuously crying"taehyung said.

"King can please dae stay with us"taehyung said while showing his doe eyes and jungkook nod his head.

"Nonna can you pass dae clothes I will help him with bath"taehyung said helper bow and walk out.

"Let's go baby we will take bath now"taehyung said dae hug him with smile.

Jungkook who was seeing everything he feel something.

"Taehyung is so innocent and naive but still he is taking care of dae like this. My dae was looking so happy with taehyung. Lisa herself never talk to dae with love but taehyung is talking to dae with so much love"jungkook talk with himself and smile smile.

Taehyung help dae with bathing and make him wear his clothes they both come out and see jungkook is looking at them with smile.

"Come both of you and sleep after that we have to go dining room for family dinner"jungkook said.

"Can I sleep here"dae said while pointing centre of the bed

Taehyung take dae and make him sit centre of bed.

"Yes you can"taehyung said and he himself lay beside him.

Jungkook smile and lay with dae.

"Let's sleep"dae said and hug taehyung who hug back. Jungkook smile at them hug both of them.

Taehyung see jungkook and smile at him who also smile at him and both close their eyes.

At that time dae sleep with smile on his face. He don't know what mother love is because Lisa never show him her love. Today after spending time with taehyung he love that time. today dae know how it feels to sleep while someone hugging.

Jungkook love his son but don't have any time to spend with his son. He always busy with royal work. He never sleep with dae because he always come late at night when dae is sleeping.

When dae was small child Lisa said That dae will not sleep with her because he always disturb her sleep. After 2 months of birth dae start sleeping alone with helper he always end up crying whole night because he want his mother but Lisa never let him enter in her chamber.

Today with taehyung dae feel something which he want to feel with his mother.

To be continued.....

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