chapter 19

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Its a normal day in jeon palace where taehyung is writing a letter to his parents in his chamber while his back is pressed against jungkook chest. When they here knock on their chamber door jungkook told them to come inside.

One maid come inside and immediately look down when she see that jungkook is naked and taehyung is sitting between jungkook legs.

"Royal concubine taehyung his consort is calling you to have some tea"maid told him.

"I will come within 10 min "taehyung the maid. Maid bow to him and walkout from their chamber.

"Why you are always busy with that lisa" jungkook said while pouting.

"Why your are jealous from your own wifes my king" taehyung said.

"I'm not jealous tae but i don't like when you give more attention to someone else" jungkook said while kissing taehyung lips.

"I'm not giving someone attention" taehyung said and also kiss on jungkook lips."but now i have to go because my new friend is waiting for me" taehyung said run outside of the chamber before jungkook could grab his hand.

Taehyung and lisa relationship is going well. Lisa also apologise from taehyung what she did and being soft hearted person taehyung also accept her apologise.

Taehyung walk toward that place where he and lisa everyday drink their tea and talk its not like they are alone jin,jimin and hoseok is also there.

Taehyung see that only lisa and dae is sitting in their place. He go toward them and bow to lisa.

"How many time i have tell you don't bow to me now we are friends" lisa told to taehyung he smile and sit down on ground beside lisa.

"Its habit you know lisa nunna" taehyung said while pouting."why hyung is not here" taehyung ask to lisa.

"Jin and namjoon oppa is out to meet some children and jimin,hoseok and yoongi oppa is on date"lisa told.

"Taetae please play with me"dae ask taehyung and who is taehyung to say no to dae he start playing with dae. Lisa look at them and smile.


How stupid i was i always thought that i will make jungkook love me by forced when he is already in love with his concubine taehyung. My one sided love is enough for me to live in this Palace and apart from that dae is also with me. Now i feel ashamed how i treat my own son that he like taehyung more because he start liking taehyung as his mother but from now own my first priority will be dae my son.

"Taehyung I'm really sorry for my behavior "lisa said when dae gone war play with some maid.

"Nunna how many time i should tell you that it is okay" taehyung said while smiling.

"But still what i did you should not forgive me this easy"lisa said.

"But nunna i forgive now what should we do now" taehyung said while making thinking face.

"Ok so from now on you will be my best friend like jin,jimin and hoseok hyung promise "taehyung said while showing his pinky finger lisa smile and attach her pinky finger to taehyung.

After playing sometime with dae and lisa taehyung walk toward his own chamber.

After reaching his chamber taehyung ask some guards about jungkook and guards told him that jungkook is gone out of the palace for some work.

He lay on bed when he feel sharp pain in his stomach he hurriedly set on bed and grab his stomach.

Tear start coming in his eyes when he feel that his pain so much for him. He was thinking that what he eat wrong that his stomack is paining this much. After sometime of thinking he get to know its his second month in this Palace but its his first to get periods in this Palace.

He walk up from bed and ask some maid to bring warm water to drink and something to eat because he knows that if his periods get start he will be not in condition to eat or walk.

After eating his food he lay down on bed and sleep.

To be continued......

*Sorry for short chapter*

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