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It's been 1 month jungkook give taehyung five bunny toy. Taehyung and dae friendship also become strong.they always play with five bunny's together.

Mrs jeon (second) didn't like that taehyung is becoming close with dae. Now Mrs jeon (second) said to Lisa that she also have to do something so that she witg close dae and offcourse Lisa hate it.

And in this full 1 month jungkook is very busy with his work. Their is some close States to Seoul who is doing some illegal work in Seoul and jungkook is very busy in this work.

Taehyung always miss him but he don't have any chance to meet him.

Right now taehyung and dae is playing with bunny's in garden. Taehyung always come in garden because he always feel bore in his chamber.back in his house he always helps his father with work sometimes go with his cousins outside and it's doesn't matter to him if his cousins bully him he was happy that he is outside of and having fun.

Taehyung's helper bow to someone and dae look back and see his mother is coming toward them.

"Tae tae please don't let my bad mother take me with her"dae said and taehyung confusedly look at him.

"Dae come with me"Lisa said and taehyung look back now he knows what dae was talking.

"Mother I'm playing with taetae I will come after sometime" dae said and grab taehyung's hand.

"Dae I said come with me "Lisa said.

"But mother "dae said but Lisa cut him.

"Dae let's go we are going to meet your father"Lisa said and taehyung look at her. Dae also let go taehyung's hand hearing that he is going to see his father.

"I will come with you mother "dae said and grab Lisa's hand.

"Queen consort "taehyung said and bow to Lisa. Hearing taehyung voice Lisa look at him.

" What you want royal concubine"Lisa ask.

"Queen consort are you going to meet king, king is now free from his work "taehyung ask while looking at Lisa.

"Yes I'm going to meet king and what do you mean by free I'm his wife it doesn't matter if he is free or not he always has time for me"Lisa said

"Can I come with you I also want to meet him"taehyung said in whisper but Lisa hear him.

"No you can't your are just concubine here you will meet him when he want not whenever you want and don't think high of yourself a lowlife concubine can never live with king forever and listen to me taehyung you are not first concubine who is in palace many concubine come and go so don't think highly of yourself "Lisa said and walk out.

Taehyung feel something drop from his eyes he Wipe it and look back at his bunny's he sit down and hug them.

"It's ok"he tell himself and one more time smile or we can say fake smile which he always do.

Jungkook is sitting in throne room with namjoon and yoongi when one guard announce that concort queen and Prince is coming jungkook smile when he see that his son is running toward him but his smile vanished when he see that Lisa is also with dae.

"Father"dae said and run toward jungkook.

"Oh my Prince what are you doing here"jungkook ask and make dae sit on his lap.

"I miss you appa"dae said with pout.

"Oh I miss you too my Prince"jungkook said. Jungkook look up and see Lisa.

"What are you doing here Lisa"jungkook ask.

"Oh I also miss you kook"Lisa said.

"It's jungkook or king for you Lisa"jungkook said to Lisa.

"Why it's only me who have to talk with formalities, you are my husband "Lisa said.

"It's doesn't matter to me Lisa and you can go now"jungkook said.

"But I was here to meet you jungkook"Lisa said.

"Don't you see I'm working "jungkook said.

Lisa walk from throne room with angry.

Jungkook look at dae who was playing with jungkook's hanbok.

"How is you taetae"jungkook ask to dae.

"He is god but he always miss you"dae said.

"I also miss him"jungkook whisper.

"Did you said something appa"dae ask.

"Oh no I was saying take care of taetae when I'm not around"jungkook ask and dae nod his head.

"Appa can I sleep here"dae ask. Jungkook smile and nod.

Taehyung was bore while sitting in his chamber. So he thought to Meet his Jin hyung.

He walk toward jin's chamber he didn't notice that someone is coming toward him. He crash with that person.

"Oh I'm so sorry"taehyung said he look up and see Lisa and Lisa's helpers were standing while some clothes and liquid in their hand but now both things was on floor.

"Oueen consort"taehyung bow infront of Lisa.

"What did you did"Lisa ask while shouting and slap taehyung.

Taehyung close his eyes when he feel hand on his cheeks. A tear drop from his eyes.

"Don't you know how expensive my dress was but oh who I'm talking with,you don't know what money is. Did you ever see this much expensive dress in your life. Queen ( second) is right you are low life. Be thankful of jungkook who take you in palace.
Your parents use you so that they can have money they let you become a king's concubine for money" Lisa said and walk from their

Taehyung wipe his tears and walk back in his chamber. He lock his chamber and lay down on bed and start crying but immediately wipe his tear.

"Don't cry tae queen consort didn't said anything wrong you are a poor but your parents didn't let you here so that they can have money it was you who wants to come here and help your parents so be a good boy and smile"taehyung pat himself smoothly and smile.

To be continued.......

Note;next chapter will be late please stay connected with story

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